Pay Day Schedule

Finance Office Private: Staff Pay Day Schedule

Scheduled Pay Dates for 2022


Scheduled Pay Dates for 2022

Payroll Period

Full-Time Staff

Part-Time / Temporary Staff
Jan 202228-JAN-20227-FEB-2022
FEB 202225-FEB-20227-MAR-2022
MAR 202229-MAR-20227-APR-2022
APR 202228-APR-20226-MAY-2022
MAY 202227-MAY-20227-JUN-2022
JUN 202228-JUN-20227-JUL-2022
JUL 202228-JUL-20225-AUG-2022
AUG 202229-AUG-20227-SEP-2022
SEP 202228-SEP-20227-OCT-2022
OCT 202228-OCT-20227-NOV-2022
NOV 202228-NOV-20227-DEC-2022
DEC 202229-DEC-20226-JAN-2023


1. Staff members who have commenced or terminated service with the University during the month will be paid separately and not follow the scheduled pay dates listed above.

2. For staff with employee self-service (ESS) account, they can download the payslip via ESS

3. For staff without employee self-service (ESS) account, payslip will be sent by mail.

4. To update bank account information, please complete the form “Request for Update of Bank Account Information” and send to Payroll Section of Finance and Facilities Management Office.