Dr. Eric Chong joined the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) as an Associate Professor at the School of Education and Languages in January 2023. He is Programme Leader of Distance Learning Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Primary) & Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary). Starting from autumn 2023, he has been leading the programme restructuring of DL PGDEP and PGDES into 3-credit unit system. He usually teaches courses such as education and society, qualitative research, curriculum and teaching methods. In 2023-24, he is managing a subject-based teacher training project on citizenship, economics and society with themes on values education, assessment, and catering for learner diversity. This teacher training programme is funded by the Education Bureau of Hong Kong. In March 2024, he was invited to present a virtual paper on a topic of global citizenship education to a group of Japanese social studies researchers. He visited Kyoto for scholarly exchange on social studies in secondary schools in April 2024. He presented a paper on a case study on social integration with ethnic minorities in higher education in the Children's Identity and Citizenship (European Association) in June 2024.
Dr. Chong specializes in teacher education, social studies, citizenship education, interdisciplinary curriculum and teaching methods, global and digital citizenship, and experiential learning. He has published a number of research papers in international refereed journals and academic book chapters in the last 20 years. He organized several international and regional conferences since 2014. He has delivered conference papers in Hong Kong, China (South China Normal University), Singapore (NIE, Nanyang Technological University), Japan (Okayama University, Hiroshima University), Germany (University of Gottingen), Poland, Czech Republic (Charles University), Hungary (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and the U.K. (University of York) since 2012. In particular, he was invited to give presentations on topics of citizenship education at Hiroshima and Tokyo in 2019. He delivered virtual paper presentations at the international conferences of Academic Network of Global Education Learning (Institute of Education, UCL and University of Oulu, Finland), International Conference on Learning (Valencia, Spain), Association for Moral Education (Manchester, U.K.), Children's Identity and Citizenship European Association (Prague, Czezh Republic), and The International Social Studies Association (ISSA) & The Japanese Educational Research Association for the Social Studies (Okayama, Japan) between 2020 and 2022.
He has got a rich experience in organizing academic conferences and teacher professional development workshops. Besides, he has got a Highly Commended Paper (2020) and is the Outstanding Reviewer (2022) of Asian Education and Development Studies, Emerald Literarti Award Winners. His co-authored paper on "Handling national education controversy in the frontline" has obtained The 2022 Best Research Paper Award by the Children's Identity and Citizenship European Association.
Teaching Areas & Research Interests
- teacher education
- citizenship education
- social studies
- interdisciplinary curriculum and teaching methods
- global and digital citizenship
- experiential learning
Academic & Professional Experience
Member of Committee on Equal Opportunities (Hong Kong Metropolitan University) (2023 - 24)
Selected Publications
- Chong, E.K.M. (2017). From citizenship education to national education: Perceptions of national identity and national education of Hong Kong secondary school teachers (Routledge Series on schools and schooling in Asia). London: Routledge (
- Book Review: Reviewer on International Perspectives in Drama and Citizenship Education – Acting Globally. Citizenship Teaching & Learning (2025, forthcoming).
Book Chapters
- Chong, E.K.M.. & Ma, M.T.Y. (2024). Teaching global citizenship in higher education: Social integration with ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. In Joseph Zajda (Ed.) Discourse of globalisation, active citizenship, and education (pp.99-114) . Cham: Springer Nature.
- Chong, E.K.M. (2024). Section 6: Global citizenship education: Perspectives from Asia. In Lee, J.C.K. & Kennedy, K. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook on Life and Value education in Asia. Routledge.
- Chong, Eric King-man (2023). Change in Hong Kong education: Considering factors influencing the organizing of study tours to China. In Michael John Katsillis, Tatiana García-Vélez and Liliana Jacott (Eds.) Diversity, Crisis, Conflict & Educational Adaptation (pp.1-23). Children's Identity and Citizenship European Association.
- Chong, Eric King-man (2021). Experiential learning in action: The successful teaching practices of Hong Kong school-based curriculum development on personal, social and humanities education. In McConnell-Farmer, J.L. (Ed.) World of Children: Perspectives and Connections in Sustainability with Reflections during the Pandemic (pp.100-117). Urbana, IL: Linton Atlantic Books. (
- Chong, Eric King-man (2021). Reinstating global citizenship education in Hong Kong's school curriculum and teaching (translated in Japanese). The Japanese Association for Citizenship Education, Newsletter No. 3 (pp.3-8). Japan: The Japanese Association of for Citizenship Education.
- Chong, King-man Eric (2020). Reinstating global citizenship education: Conceptual, curricular, and pedagogical considerations on teaching global issues in Hong Kong' curriculum and school teaching. In Meyers, J. (Ed.) Research on teaching global issues: Pedagogy for global citizenship education (pp.149-170). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (
- Chong, King-man Eric (2019). Using action research to assess student learning in curriculum on understanding poverty, SAGE Research Methods Case. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. (
- Chong, E.K.M. (2018). Developing empathy through authentic assessment. In Tay H.Y. (Ed.) Designing Quality Authentic Assessments (pp.209-223). London: Routledge. (
- Chong, King-man Eric (2018). Human rights education in Asia. In Kennedy, J. K. & Lee C.K.J. (Ed.) Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (pp.610-620). London & New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. (
- Chong, E.K.M. (2018). A review of contemporary Chinese nationalism: Theories, features and facets. In Sungmoon Kim and Hsin-wen Lee (Eds.) Reimagining Nation and Nationalism in Multicultural East Asia (pp.105-122). London: Routledge. (
- Chong, E.K.M. (2018). Student and youth activism: The new youth groups in anti-national education policy and occupy central movement, in Lo, S.S.H. (Ed.) Interest groups and the new democracy in Hong Kong (pp.174-205). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis. (
- Yuen, W.W.T & Chong, K.M. (2017). How to discuss controversial social issues with students, in Centre for Catholic Studies (CUHK) (ed.) Catholic Social Ethics seminar series, Hong Kong: Center for Catholic Studies, CUHK (In Chinese).「天主教社會倫理」(國情專題)專家講座筆錄/ 編者: 香港中文大學天主教研究中心, 香港天主教正義和平委員會
- Chong, E.K.M. (2017). Teaching global citizenship education with empathy model and experiential learning: Case study of action research on developing empathy in a Hong Kong secondary school. In Choo, S.S., Sawch, D., Villanueva, A., Vinz, R. (Eds.) Educating for the 21st Century: Perspectives, Policies and Practices from Around the World (pp.303-325). Singapore: Springer. (
- Leung, Y.W., Chong, E.K.M. & Yuen, W.W.T. (2017). Civic education in Hong Kong: From the colonial era to post-occupy movement era. In Tse, T. K.C. & Lee, M. H. (Eds.). Making Sense of Education in post-handover Hong Kong: Achievements and challenges (pp.127-144). London & N.Y.: Routledge. (
- Chong, K.M. (2016). Educating for the nation in China. In Chong, K.M., Davies, I., Peck, C., Peterson, A., Ross, A., Sears, A. Education, Globalization and the nation (pp.81-102). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (
- Chong, K.M., & Leung, Yan Wing (2015). Christian anti-poverty actions. In Mehmet Odekon (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: SAGE. (
- Lo, T.Y.J. & Chong, K.M.E. (2015). Global citizenship education in the primary social education curricula in Hong Kong and Shanghai: An intra-cultural comparative study. In Merryfield, M., Augustine, T. & Harshman, J. (Eds.). Research in Social Education - Research in Global Citizenship Education (pp.137-162). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. (
- Chong, K.M. (2011). Principles of selecting issues for inquiry. In Centre for Governance and Citizenship (Ed.). Sharing of Teaching and Learning of Basic Law Education Project ─ Human rights and rule of law education (pp.62-69). Hong Kong: HKIEd. (In Chinese)
- Chong, K.M. (2010). Teaching strategy: issued-based teaching. In Chan, S.Y. (Ed.). Teaching & Learning: Theory & Practice (pp.85-118). Hong Kong: Academic Professional Publishing. (In Chinese) (file:///D:/data/Downloads/BLE_booklet%20(1).pdf)
- Chong, K.M.(2008). Dialogue inquiry: Learning tool for project-based learning. Cheng, M. & Lo, T.Y. (Eds.) Integrated Learning: Theory and Practice (pp.235-247). Hong Kong: Marshall Cavendish Education. (in Chinese)
- Lee, W.O., Chong, K.M., Siu, W.L. (2006). National identity and global citizenship education: The application of project learning, Integrated Humanities and General Studies. Hong Kong: Contemporary Development Ltd. (In Chinese) (
- Member of Research Team. Lee, W.O. & Gu, R.F. (2004). Survey on the Practices of Global Citizenship Education in Hong Kong and Shanghai Secondary Schools. Hong Kong” Oxfam. (In Chinese) (
- Member of Research team. (2004). Action research and school-based citizenship education development. Lee, W.O. (Ed.) Civic Education in Secondary School – diversified school-based practices (pp.111-132). Hong Kong: The Commercial Press (In Chinese). (
Journal Articles
- Chong, E.K.M. & Cheng, E.C.K. (2025, forthcoming). Essential knowledge, values, and pedagogies for teaching global citizenship education in Hong Kong. Asian Education and Development Studies.
- Chong, E. K., Chan, Anita K. W., Wong, Mathew Y. H., Lee, Man Y. K., Cheung, L. T. O. (2024). Who intended to leave? Patterns and impacts of Hong Kong's recent wave of migration. Population, Space and Place.
- Lee, M.Y.K., Wong, M.Y.H., Chan, A.K.W., Chong, E.K.M., & Cheung. L.T.O. (2023). Do people feel they belong? Socio-political factors shaping the place attachment of Hong Kong citizens? Geographical Research (Nov. 2023)(Open Access Journal)
- Chong, E.K.M. (2023). Special issue editorial: Moral education, social cohesion, and culture diplomacy. Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 6(1): i-v. (
- Chan, A.K.W., Cheung, L.T.O., Chong, E.K.M. et al. (2022).Hong Kong's new wave of migration: socio-political factors of individuals' intention to emigrate. Comparative Migration Studies, 10, 49.
- Chong, E.K.M. & Tsubota, M. (2023). Creating a culture of social cohesion: Case studies of community participation projects at Japanese and Hong Kong elementary schools. Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 6(1): 25-51. (
- Wong, K.L., Chong, E.K.M. Leung, W.T. & Leung, Y.W. (2022). 'Experiential learning for civic education: Typologies and learning outcomes', Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 17(2): 183-202 (
- Wong, K. L., Chong, E.K.M., Leung, W.T. and Leung, Y.W. (2022). Experiential learning for civic education: Student participation and voice. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 17(2): 203-225. (
- Chong. E.K.M. (2022). Reinstating global citizenship education in Hong Kong's school curriculum and teaching. Japanese Journal of Citizenship Education, 2: 15-26. (translated in Japanese) (
- Chong, E.K.M., Hu, J., Cheng, E.C.K., Davies, I., Tang, H.H.H., Leung, Y.W., Hung, C.F.S. (2022). Handling national controversy on the education frontline: Perceptions of Hong Kong teachers on the aims, content, methods and assessment of National Education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 50(4): 387-405 (DOI: 10.1080/1359866X.2021.2010273).
- Chong, E.K.M., Hu, J., Cheng, E.C.K., Davies, I., Tang, H.H.H., Leung, Y.W., Hung, C.F.S. (2021). Hong Kong secondary school teachers' pedagogical approaches to controversial issues at a time of social and political turmoil. Teacher Development (DOI: 10.1080/13664530.2021.1981427)
- Chong, E.K.M (2021). Hong Kong under COVID-19: Active self-mobilisation, freedom and responsibilities, and learnings. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 16(2): 272-284. (
- Chong, E.K.M., & Pao, S.S. (2021). Promoting digital citizenship education in junior secondary schools in Hong Kong: Supporting schools in professional development and action research. Asian Education and Development Studies, 11(4), pp. 677-690.
- Chong, E.K.M., Hu, J., Cheng, E.C.K., Davies, I., Tang, H.H.H., Leung, Y.W., Hung, C.F.S. (2021). Conceptualizing national education and methods of teaching national education in Hong Kong, Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 16(1): 69-94. (
- Chong, E.K.M., Davies, I. & Pao, S.S. (2020). Teaching about and for social justice in teacher education in Hong Kong. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 19(3): 211-227. (
- Chong, E.K.M.(2020). Using experiential learning of NGOs to enhance active citizenship education in school curriculum: Case study of Hong Kong secondary schools. Asian Education and Development Studies, 9(4): 559-577. (
- Chong, E.K.M.(2020). How does globalization shape the interdisciplinary curriculum development in Hong Kong's education reform? Curriculum and Teaching, 35(1): 23-51. (
- Chong, E.K.M., Sant, E. & Davies, I. (2019). Civic education guidelines in Hong Kong 1985-2012: Striving for normative stability in turbulent social and political contexts, Theory & Research in Social Education
(DOI: 10.1080/00933104.2019.1676854)
- Zhang, Y.H., Peng, H.Y., Cheung, H.W., Chow, K.F., Chong, K.M. (2019). Doing educational research in China & Hong Kong. Asian Education and Development Studies, 8(3): 340-350. (
- Tang, H.H.H., Chong, K.M.E, Yuen W.W.T. (2019). Learning to understand a nation: Developing a National Education curriculum imbued with Catholic social ethics for Hong Kong's primary schools. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 15(2): 81-93. (
- Shi, Y.D., Chong, E.K.M. & Li, B.H. (2019). Chinese Civic education being globalised: What changes have been made in civic education curriculum in China, Hong Kong and Macao. Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 15(1). 37-63.(
- Chong, E.K.M., Yuen W.W.T. & Leung, Y.W. (2018) Student council and Student leadership training in Hong Kong Primary Schools, Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 13(3): 329-349. (
- Chong, E.K.M. (2018). Nationalistic Education in Hong Kong and Macao SARs of China, Asian Education and Development Studies, 7(4): 395-411. (
- Chong, E.K.M. (2018). Developments and challenges of civic education in Hong Kong SAR, China (1997-2017). The Journal of Social Studies Education in Asia, 7:47-63.(chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
- Cheung, C.H.W., Chong, E.K.M., Kennedy, K.J. & Chow, C.F.P. (2018). The attitudes of Mainland Chinese secondary students towards democracy and equality: Being a young citizen in 21st century China. Citizenship Teaching & Learning. Special Edition, 13(2): 209-225. (
- Lam, T.S., Leung, Y.W., Yuen, W.W., Chong, K.M., & Tang, H.H. (2018). An evaluation study of the teachers' receptivity of the Hong Kong Catholic Social Ethics Curriculum and the training programme, Hong Kong Journal of Catholic Studies – Issue of Teaching Catholic Social Ethics and Civil Education, No.8: 244-275. (
- Davies, I. & Chong, E.K.M. (2015). Current challenges of citizenship education: whatever happened to citizenship education in England? Asian Education and Development Studies, 5(1):1-18. (
- Chong, K.M.E., Yuen, W.W.T. & Leung, Y.W. (2015). Reconstructing Hong Kong's civic education in the post-national education era: Rethinking about conceptual, curricular and pedagogical matters. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 10(3): 251-269. (
- Chong, E.K.M. (2015). Global citizenship education of Hong Kong secondary school curriculum guidelines: From understanding responsibility to challenging injustice. Asian Education and Development Studies, 4(2): 221-247. (
- Chong, E.K.M. & Hung, C.F.S. (2015). The domestication of civic education policy initiated and adopted in the postwar Hong Kong. Journal of Educational Research and Review, 3(5): 62-74. (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
- Chong, K.M.E. (2013). The Controversy over National Education and Identity: A case study of Hong Kong secondary school teachers. Asian Education and Development Studies, 2(3): 241-262. (
- Chong, K.M.E. (2013). Understanding Controversies of National Education: Case studies of Perceptions on National Education of Hong Kong secondary school teachers. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 15(2):65-98. (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
- Chong, K.M.E. (2013). The Controversies from Civic Education to National Education. HKIAPS Occasional Paper Series, No. 227. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (
- Yuen, T. & Chong, K.M. (2012). Teaching human rights and rule of law in class- A case study of two secondary schools in Hong Kong, Citizenship, Social and Economic Education, 11(1): 34-44. (
Selected Professional & Community Services
- Member, Ad Hoc Review Committee, Life and Society Curriculum (Secondary 1-3), Curriculum Development Council, Education Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government (2017 - 2024)
- Member, Interview Board, Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships and Scholarships for Overseas Studies (2019-21)
- Member, Incorporated Management Committee, some Hong Kong primary, secondary schools and kindergartens (since 2016)
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