Janet LAU Man Ying

Department of Creative Arts People Faculty Janet LAU Man Ying


Janet LAU Man Ying


MSc Mkt (CUHK), MA Des (PolyU), BA (Hons) Des (BrightonU, UK)


Ms Janet Lau Man-ying, obtained her Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree in Design from the University of Brighton, UK. She received an MA in Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and an MSc in Marketing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining the OUHK, she worked at various local and international creative agencies and organizations as well as the HKSAR Government.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage
  • Advertising and Branding
  • Creative Process and Visual Narratives
  • Digitalisation and Audiences

Grant & Funding

  • Principal investigator, Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust Research and Publication Fund (Applied Research), “Hong Kong Creative Advertising Design in the Seventies to Millennium”, HKD 100,000, (Ref. no: R6231 (KS2017/1.3)), 2018-2019.

Selected Publications

  • 劉文英、梁慕靈、黃樹基編:《博物館的變與不變:香港和其他地區的經驗》,香港:香港公開大學數碼文化與人文學科研究所,2018年。
Book Chapters
  • Tso, Anna W. B. and Lau, Janet M. Y. (2018). “An Explorative Study on the Pedagogical Potential of Gamification.” In Li, K.C., Yuen, K.S. and Wong, B.T.M. (eds.). Innovations in Open and Flexible Education. Singapore: Springer.
  • Tso, Wing-bo and Lau, Man-ying. “The Digital and Multimodal Art Experience: A Hong Kong Case Study.” In Wing-bo Tso (Ed.), Digital Humanities and New Ways of Teaching. Singapore: Springer.

Creative Works

  • French-inspired Chinese magazines exhibition under Le French May Associated Project: Sino-French Cross-cultural Encounters in Fine Art and Literature, The Open University of Hong Kong and Le French May, May 2018
  • Cheongsam and Chinese culture exhibition, The Open University of Hong Kong, Mar 2018

Honours, Awards & Prizes

  • HK4As Creative Awards, Best Typography, The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong, 1994
  • HK4As Creative Awards, Best Print Ad, The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong, 1994
  • HK4As Creative Awards, Best Direct Mailing, The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong, 1994

Professional Community Services

  • Technical Advisors, Employees Retraining Board (ERB) (2017- 2019)