Dr. Angela LAW Tsin Fung

Department of Creative Arts People Faculty Dr. Angela LAW Tsin Fung


Dr. Angela LAW Tsin Fung




Angela Law Tsin-fung is assistant professor and programme leader of Creative Writing and Film Arts in the School of Arts and Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. She obtained B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature (minor in Gender Studies and Philosophy) and M.A in Cultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is now a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Her research interests include cultural studies and film studies, Chinese modern literature, Chinese contemporary literature, creative and cultural industries studies. She specializes in the area of global and Hong Kong film music, and has published nine related books in Hong Kong and the Mainland China; these books employed a wide range of perspectives such as cultural studies, auteur theories and textual analysis to analyze film music.
Before joining the Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Angela Law worked in different creative positions across a range of media industries: she worked as a TV scriptwriter, feature reporter, magazine editor, and book editor. She currently teaches creative writing and film theory at the Open University of Hong Kong.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Film Studies
  • Film Music Studies
  • Creative and Cultural Industries Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Chinese Creative Writing
  • Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

Academic & Professional Experience

  • Visiting scholar, New York University Tisch School of Arts, 2011

Selected Publications

Journal Articles
  • 〈見樹不見林的華語電影音樂研究〉,見《田家炳中華文化中心通訊》(香港) ,九月號 ,2018,頁36-38 。
  • 〈西方電影音樂研究:從論爭至論述〉,見 HKinema(香港) ,第38期《電影與音樂》,2017年5月, 頁2-9。
  • 〈戴維斯的爵士樂與《通往死刑台的電梯》(下) 〉,見《看電影》(上海) ,第715期,2016,頁 133。
  • 〈戴維斯的爵士樂與《通往死刑台的電梯》(上)〉,見《看電影》(上海) ,第714期,2016,頁 133。
  • 〈藥〉見《字花》(香港) ,第48期 ,2014,頁 43-45。
  • 〈好的電影音樂視它如何為電影服務──約翰.威廉姆斯訪談〉,見《電影藝術》(北京) , 第三期 ,2012,頁 72-75。
  • 〈以電影音符貼近生命──訪貝拉.塔爾〉見《電影欣賞》(台北) , 第36期, 2008,頁 57-59。
  • 《無常素描:追憶奇斯洛夫斯基》(香港: Kubrick,2016)
  • 《無常素描:追憶基耶斯洛夫斯基》(桂林:廣西師範大學,2016)
  • 《畫外音》(香港: Kubrick,2014)
  • 《畫內音》(香港: Kubrick,2014)
  • 《必要的靜默:世界電影音樂創作談》(北京:三聯,2011)
  • 《必要的靜默:世界電影音樂創作談》(香港: Kubrick,2010)
  • 《流動的光影聲色:羅展鳳映畫音樂隨筆》(桂林:廣西師範大學,2014,第二版; 2007,第一版)
  • 《電影x音樂》(北京:三聯,2011,第四版;2007,第三版;2006, 第二版;2005, 第一版)
  • 《映畫x音樂》(香港三聯,2004)
  • HKinema.第三期:《香港電影音樂》香港:香港電影評論學會,2008 (主編)
Book Chapters
  • 〈王家衛電影音樂圖鑑〉見黃愛玲、潘國靈及李照興編《王家衛的映畫世界2015版》香港: 三聯,2015,頁 68-89。
  • 〈世俗情歌:關錦鵬的映畫主題曲〉見張美君編 《關錦鵬的光影記憶》香港: 三聯,2007,頁178-213。
  • 〈劉德華談暗戰及其他〉見潘國靈編《銀河映像,難以想像》香港:三聯,2006,頁152-165。
  • 〈鍾志榮談鎗火〉見潘國靈編《銀河映像,難以想像》香港:三聯,2006,頁186-197。
  • 〈王家衛電影音樂圖鑑〉見潘國靈及李照興編《王家衛的映畫世界》香港:三聯,2004,頁212-237。
  • 〈電影音樂──我的冷文學〉見張偉雄編《我和電影的二三事》香港:香港電影評論學會,2005,頁153-160。
  • 〈2046: 他們的主題曲〉見皮亞編《香港電影回顧2004》香港:香港電影評論學會,2005,頁 106-110。

Creative Works

Exhibition Solo Exhibition
  • 「你我走自己的路,過著與別人不一樣的生活。」──電影音樂私旋律展覽 (Part One) Kubrick油麻地店,香港,1-30 Nov 2014
  • 「你我走自己的路,過著與別人不一樣的生活。」──電影音樂私旋律展覽 (Part Two) 藝鵠 ACO,香港,2-31 Dec 2014

Honours, Awards & Prizes

  • Award for Best Artist (Arts Criticism), Hong Kong Art Development Council, Hong Kong, 2011
  • Fellowship of the Asian Cultural Council (Lee Hysan Foundation), Hong Kong, 2011.
    The fellowship grant supported her study and research on film art and film music in New York for six months.

Professional Community Services

  • Alumni, the Asian Cultural Council
  • Member, the Hong Kong Film Critics Society