Doctor of Philosophy (Global PhD Programme)

The HKMU offers a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree programme in various disciplines. The Global PhD Programme offers students with the opportunity to collaborate with internationally renowned scholars.

About The Programme

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to Doctor of Philosophy (Global PhD Programme), an applicant shall:

  • possess a recognized first honours degree with demonstrated ability to pursue advanced studies; or
  • possess a recognized Master's degree by research; or
  • transfer from the HKMU MPhil degree.

An applicant shall satisfy the Research Degrees Committee (RDC) that he/she has sufficient command of the language (normally Chinese or English) in which the course of study and research is to be undertaken and in which the thesis is to be presented. All applicants are required to provide evidence of proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS). At the time of admission, the RDC shall stipulate whether the thesis is to be presented in Chinese or English.

No applicant who is already a candidate for a degree at the HKMU or another institution may be admitted to the programme, unless the express permission of the RDC is obtained.

About Application


Applications may be made throughout the year. Applicant is expected to have discussed the proposed field of study with the academic staff of the School before submitting a formal application.


The completed application forms should be submitted by mail or in person to the Research Postgraduate Office of Registry.


Applications will be assessed individually. Applicants may be required to attend interviews and/or tests as part of the selection process. Studentship can be awarded on competitive basis.

Please click here to visit the website of Research Postgraduate Office of Registry for details about application.

Global PhD Supervisors

The School has invited seven internationally renowned scholars with expertise in specific research areas to be Global PhD Supervisors. Student admitted to the Global PhD Programme will be under the supervision of a full-time academic staff of the School and a Global PhD Supervisor, providing valuable insight, experience and knowledge in conducting research study.

Prof Ulf Andersson

Professor Ulf Andersson

Professor of Business Studies and Research Director of Industrial Economics and Organization, School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Sweden

Adjunct Professor, Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway

Specialty: Strategy and International Management

Professor Andersson is Professor of Business Studies and Research Director of Industrial Economics and Organization at the School of Business, Society and Engineering at Mälardalen University. He is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and also a member of and has served in different capacities of the Strategic Management Society and the European International Business Academy. He has published more than 60 journal articles, books, and book sections and his work is published in journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Studies, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research, Long Range Planning and other leading journals. His work has twice won the Palgrave Macmillan best competitive paper award at AIB-UK & Ireland annual conference, won the International Business Review 2014 Best Paper Award for the article (Perri, A. &, Andersson, U.) 'Knowledge outflows from foreign subsidiaries and the tension between knowledge creation and knowledge protection: Evidence from the semiconductor industry', 2015, and has been published in the best paper proceedings of AIB Milan 2008.

Prof Peter Buckley

Professor Peter Buckley OBE FBA

Professor of International Business, Founder Director of CIBUL and Founder Director of the Business Confucius Institute at the University of Leeds, UK

Specialty: International Business

Professor Buckley is Professor of International Business, Founder Director of CIBUL (1995) and Founder Director of the Business Confucius Institute at the University of Leeds (BCIUL). He has carried out consultancy assignments for central government, local government, international bodies and leading companies. He has published 28 books in English in both UK and USA including one in German. He was listed in The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) as one of the most “Successful academic writers” (January 2006). In addition, Professor Buckley has written over 250 refereed articles on foreign direct investment, the multinational enterprise, international management and the economics of tourism in leading British, US, Japanese and European journals, including 22 articles in the Journal of International Business Studies. Google Scholar lists over 34,106 citations of his work.

Tamer Cavusgil

Professor S. Tamer Cavusgil

Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair and Executive Director of CIBER, Georgia State University, USA

Specialty: Internationalization of the firm, global strategy, emerging markets, and buyer-seller relationships in cross-border business

Professor Cavusgil currently serves as Executive Director, Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), and Fuller E. Callaway Professorial Chair at Georgia State University. He also serves as a visiting professor at Leeds University Business School and the University of South Australia Business School. He has authored more than two dozen books and some 200 refereed journal articles. His work is among the most cited contributions in international business. Various reviews have listed him as one of the most influential and prolific authors in international management. Google citations indicate over 30,000 citations as of 2017. He founded the Journal of International Marketing in 1993 and introduced the annual book series, Advances in International Marketing in 1986. Most recently, Professor Cavusgil has helped launch a new business journal, Rutgers Business Review, to feature managerially relevant research for business executives. He served as Associate Editor for the Journal of International Business Studies, and is on the editorial review boards of a dozen professional journals.

Prof Niron Hashai

Professor Niron Hashai

Associate Professor of Strategy and International Business, Arison School of Business, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel

Specialty: Strategy and International Business

Professor Hashai is an Associate Professor at the Arison School of Business, the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel and the Albertson-Waltuch Chair in Business Administration at the School of Business Administration at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Professor Hashai obtained his BSc in Computer Sciences from the Technion and his MBA and PhD from Tel Aviv University. His research interests include: theory of the multinational corporation, technological innovation, diversification, and growth patterns of high technology firms. His research was published in top strategy, management, international business and innovation journals, including: Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal and Strategy Science. Professor Hashai serves on the boards of the Journal of International Business Studies, and the Global Strategy Journal, among others.

Professor Hashai is also a visiting Associate Professor at New York University, the Startup Nation visiting fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government, the University of Oxford, The Peter J. Buckley International Visiting Fellow at Leeds University Business School and an associate member at the John H. Dunning Research Centre, University of Reading.

Professor Hashai is co-founder of HUstart – the Hebrew University entrepreneurship center and the Israel Strategy Conference (ISC).


Professor Mario Kafouros

Professor of International Business and Innovation, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

Specialty: International Business and Strategy, Global Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment

Professor Kafouros serves as the Chair of International Business and Innovation, and Associated Head of Research in Alliance Manchester Business School (UK). He is also Associate Editor of the journal of International Business Review (IBR), and is appointed adviser to the Commonwealth, and elected Secretary of the Academy of International Business (AIB UKI). Previously, he was member of the Faculty Executive Group (FEG), leader for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) and he also served as Research Director and Head of Department (IB) in the University of Leeds (UK). He has extensive industrial and academic experience in the fields of innovation and international business & strategy. His research has received strong recognition in the form of (1) Best Paper Awards (e.g. European International Business Academy 2013, Academy of International Business 2010, and the British Academy of Management 2008); (2) funding from research councils, government organizations and multinational companies; and (3) publications in leading international journals such as the Journal of Management, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Technovation, the Journal of World Business, the British Journal of Management and the Journal of Business Research.

Prof Rudolf R. Sinkovics

Professor Rudolf R. Sinkovics

Professor of International Business, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, UK

Visiting Professor of International Business, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Fox Visiting Scholar, Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

Specialty: International Business

Professor Sinkovics is Professor of International Business at Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS), U.K. He holds a visiting professorial position at Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland and is currently Fox Visiting Scholar, Temple University, USA. He served as AMBS Director of Research (2014-2017) and Director of the Comparative and International Business Research Centre (CIBER) at AMBS (2009-2016). Before that, he held a number of visiting scholar positions, including Michigan State University, University of Oklahoma, USA and at University of Otago at Dunedin, New Zealand. His work appeared in International Business and International Marketing journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Journal of International Marketing and International Marketing Review.


Professor Chengqi Wang

Professor of Strategy and International Business, Nottingham University Business School, University of Nottingham, UK

Specialty: Strategy and International Business

Professor Wang is Professor of Strategy and International Business at the University of Nottingham. He has published over 40 papers in refereed international journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, British Journal of Management, Research Policy, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, Journal of Business Research and International Business Review. He has conducted various projects supported by British Academy, Japan Foundation Endowments Committee, Sino-British Fellowship Trust, Universities’ China Committee in London, Natural Science Foundation of China, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Jilin provincial government, Yunnan provincial government and Ningbo city government. His research has been recognized in the form of prestigious academic awards. He is the winners of First Class ‘The Ann Tse Kai Prize’ in 2014, ‘IBR Best Published Paper Award’ in 2013, ‘Best Paper Award’ at the British Academy of Management (BAM) Annual Conference in 2008, and ‘Palgrave Best Paper Award’ at the Academy of International Business (AIB UK&I) in 2002. Journal of International Management (2016, Volume 22, Issue 4) ranks him world no. 11th in research on multinational firms from emerging markets based on impact score.

Areas of Research Interest

Applicant is expected to have discussed the proposed field of study with academic staff in the relevant School before submitting a formal application. Please click here to view the area of research interests of staff members of the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration.


About Admission Procedures

About PhD study in B&A