Staff Profile

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Key Staff Staff Profile
Dr. Kong Mei Chun Mimmy 江美珍博士
BSc (Hons) Cardiff, MSc PolyU, EdD NEU
Senior Lecturer
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration


Dr. Mimmy Kong earned her Doctor of Education from Northeastern University, a Master of Science in Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Finance from Cardiff University. With many years of experience in tertiary education, Dr. Kong has primarily taught subjects related to business management, including strategic management, management information systems, and marketing. Her research interests encompass strategic management, mobile learning, e-learning, pedagogical innovation, and management information systems, among others.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Strategic Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Pedagogical Innovation

Academic & Professional Experience

Dr. Mimmy Kong earned her Doctor of Education from Northeastern University, a Master of Science in Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Finance from Cardiff University. With many years of experience in tertiary education, Dr. Kong has primarily taught subjects related to business management, including strategic management, management information systems, and marketing. Her research interests encompass strategic management, mobile learning, e-learning, pedagogical innovation, and management information systems, among others.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Poon, J.K.L. and Kong, M.C. (2019). Investigating the Intention of College Students to Continue Using the Student Response System. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences (ASMSS 2019), Hokkaido, Japan, July 16-18, 2019
  • Poon, J. K. L. & Kong, M.C. (2016). Empirical Analysis of Factors Affecting E-Textbooks Adoption. International Journal of Educational Science and Research, 6(2), 35-42.

Modified Date: 14 Aug, 2024
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