Staff Profile

Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration Key Staff Staff Profile
Dr. Chiu Wei Sheng Bryan 邱偉盛博士
PhD Yonsei University
Head of Management and Strategy
Associate Professor
Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration


Dr Weisheng Chiu is an Associate Professor and Department Head of Management and Strategy in the Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration at the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. Prior to joining HKMU, he was on the Faculty at Keimyung University and The University of Suwon, South Korea. He earned his PhD in Sport Management from Yonsei University, South Korea and MEd from the Graduate Institute of Sport and Leisure Management at the NTNU. He has published over 90 peer-reviewed articles. Specifically, 71 articles are published in SSCI/SCIE-indexed journals, such as Journal of Travel Research, Sport Management Review, European Sport Management Quarterly, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, and Journal of Marketing Management. His research interests primarily involve exploring psychological variables affecting consumer behavior within sport industry. 



Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Sport Management
  • Sport Consumer Behavior

Academic & Professional Experience


Hong Kong MetropolitanUniversity, Hong Kong
Associate Professor, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration

Hong Kong MetropolitanUniversity, Hong Kong
Assistant Professor, Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration

Keimyung University, Korea
Assistant Professor, Department of Sport and Leisure Studies

The University of Suwon, Korea
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Selected publications in recent 3 years [*corresponding author]
  • In press & 2024
  • Wang, F. J., Chiu, W.*, & Cho, H. (In press). The impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on employees' turnover intention in professional team sports: A conditional mediation model. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, DOI: 10.1108/IJSMS-10-2023-0204 (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.0 in 2023)
  • Chiu, W., Won, D., & Bae, J. S. (In press). Symmetric analysis and asymmetric modeling to examine individuals' intention to follow fitness YouTube channels: An integrated perspective of the UTAUT2 and UGT. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, DOI: 10.1108/IJSMS-12-2023-0242 (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.0 in 2023)
  • Oh, Y. S., Arthur-Banning, S. G., Mamo, Y., & Chiu, W. (In press). Does a professional sport team's corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative increase fans' trust in the team and CSR participation intention? A moderated mediation model. Sport Marketing Quarterly. (SSCI Q2, IF= 2.0 in 2023)
  • Huang, Y. & Chiu, W.* (In press). Let's run green! Impact of runners' environmental consciousness on their green perceived quality and supportive intention at participatory sport events. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, DOI: 10.1108/IJSMS-12-2023-0250 (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.0 in 2023)
  • Chiu, W., Cho, H., & Kim, S. (In press). The role of collegiate sport experience in social adjustment and quality of college life: Moderating role of the school year. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2023.2268851 (SSCI Q2, IF= 1.6 in 2023)
  • Oh, Y. S., Arthur-Banning, S. G., & Chiu, W. (In press). Philanthropic CSR participation intention among sport spectators and fans within the psychological continuum model. Leisure Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2023.2265346 (SSCI Q2, IF= 2.2 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Wang, F. J., Chiu, W.*, Tseng, K. F., & Cho, H. (In press). The roles of employee-employee collaboration and employee-customer collaboration in fitness service innovation: A comparison of frontline and non-frontline employees. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, DOI: 10.1108/IJSMS-12-2022-0206 (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.0 in 2023)
  • Chiu, W., Badu-Baiden, F., & Cho, H. (2024). Consumers' intention to use online food delivery services: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 48(3), e13052. (SSCI Q1, IF = 8.6 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Cho, H. & Chiu, W.* (2024). Does nostalgia promote personal growth and happiness? The case of field hockey in Singapore. Leisure Sciences, 46(4), 570–592. (SSCI Q2, IF= 2.2 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Cho, H., Lim, J., & Chiu, W.* (2024). The effects of volunteer management and personality on quality of life and intention to donate in the context of compulsory volunteering: An environmental psychology approach. Sage Open, 14(2). (SSCI Q1, IF= 2.0 in 2023)
  • 2023
  • Won, D., Chiu, W.*, & Bravo, G. A. (2023). Psychological contract on employee consequences among collegiate head coaches: The moderating role of procedural justice. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 18(5), 1405-1419. (SSCI Q3, IF = 1.5 in 2023)
  • Chiu, W., Cho, H., & Won, D. (2023). The knowledge structure of corporate social responsibility in sport management: a retrospective bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(4), 771-792. (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.0 in 2023)
  • Chiu, W., Oh, G. E., & Cho, H. (2023). An integrated model of consumers' decision-making process in social commerce: A cross-cultural study of the United States and China. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 37(7), 1682-1698. (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.9 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Chiu, W. & Cho, H. (2023). The duo roles of trust and risk in sport consumers' decision-making in social commerce: An information adoption model. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 32(4), 267-283. (SSCI Q2, IF= 2.0 in 2023)
  • Wang, F. J., Hsiao, C. H., Shih, W. H., Chiu, W.* (2023). Impacts of price and quality perceptions on individuals' intention to participate in marathon events: Mediating role of perceived value. Sage Open, 13(2). (SSCI Q1, IF= 2.0 in 2023)
  • Chiu, W., Wang, F.J. & Cho, H. (2023). Satellite fans' team identification, nostalgia, customer equity and revisit intention: Symmetric and asymmetric analysis. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 40(2), 91-108. (SSCI Q1, IF= 8.2 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Won, D., Chiu, W.*, & Byun, H. (2023). Factors influencing consumer use of a sport-branded app: The technology acceptance model integrating app quality and enjoyment. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(5), 1112-1133. (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.9 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Bang, H., Lee, C., Won, D., Chiu, W., & Chen, L. (2023). Exploring attitudes of mandatory volunteers: The role of perceived organizational support, role clarity, and self-efficacy toward service. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(2), 421-442. (SSCI Q1, IF= 2.3 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Hui, R. T. Y., Chiu, W., Won, D., Bae, J. S. (2023). The influence of team-member exchange on turnover intention among student-athletes: The mediating role of interpersonal self-efficacy and the moderating role of seniority. Sport Management Review, 26(1), 135-155. (SSCI Q1, IF= 3.7 in 2023, ABDC rank: A)
  • Byun, H., Chiu, W.*, & Won, D. (2023). The voice from users of running applications: An analysis of online reviews using Leximancer. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 18 (1), 173-186 (SSCI Q1, IF= 5.1 in 2023)
  • Wang, F. J., & Chiu, W.* (2023). Service encounter and repurchase intention in fitness centers: Perceived value as a mediator and service innovativeness as a moderator. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24(1), 145-167. (SSCI Q2, IF= 3.0 in 2023)
  • 2022
  • Cho, H., Kim, S., & Chiu, W.* (2022). Exercise participation during the early phase of the COVID-19 situation: Anxiety, stress, and precautionary behavior. Behavioral Sciences, 12(11), 437 (SSCI Q2, IF= 2.6 in 2022)
  • Cho, H. & Chiu, W.* (2022). COVID-19 pandemic: consumers' purchase intention of indoor fitness products during the partial lockdown period in Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 34(10), 2299-2313. (SSCI Q3, IF= 3.7 in 2022, ABDC rank: A)
  • Liu, K. P. & Chiu, W., Chu, J., &Zheng, J. L. (2022). The impact of digitalization on supply chain integration and performance: A comparison between larger enterprises and SMEs. Journal of Global Information Management, 30(1), 1-19. (SSCI Q2, IF= 4.7 in 2022)
  • Chiu, W., Hui, R. T. Y., Won, D., Bae, J. S. (2022). Leader-member exchange and turnover intention among collegiate student-athletes: The mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of psychological contract breach. European Sport Management Quarterly, 22(4), 609-635. (SSCI Q3, IF= 3.4 in 2022)
  • Chiu, W., Oh, G. E., & Cho, H. (2022). Impact of COVID‐19 on consumers' impulse buying behavior of fitness products: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(2), 245– 258. (SSCI Q3, IF= 4.3 in 2022)
  • Chiu, W., & Cho, H. (2022). The model of goal-directed behavior in tourism and hospitality: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Travel Research, 61(3), 637-655. (SSCI Q1, IF= 8.9 in 2022)
  • Chiu, W., & Won, D. (2022) Influence of sports fan ethnocentrism on identification and media consumption intention: A preliminary investigation with Taiwanese baseball fans. Sport in Society, 25(1), 23-41. (SSCI Q3, IF= 1.4 in 2021)
  • Zhao, H., Fan, Y., Zheng, L. J., Liang, X., Chiu, W., & Jiang X. (2022). The effect of social support on emotional labor through professional identity: Evidence from the content industry. Journal of Global Information Management, 30(1), 1-19. (SSCI Q2, IF= 4.7 in 2022)
  • 2021
  • Cho, H., Oh, G.-e., & Chiu, W.* (2021). Compensatory consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the critical role of nostalgia in sport consumer behaviour. Journal of Marketing Management, 37(17-18), 1736–1763. (SSCI Q3, IF= 4.707 in 2021)
  • Won, D., Bravo, G., & Chiu, W.* (2021). Reciprocal and non-reciprocal employee-organization relationship: The mediating role of felt obligation and workplace familism among collegiate coaches. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(5), 1074-1085. (SSCI Q3, IF= 2.029 in 2021)
  • Chiu, W., Fan, T. C. M., Nam, S. B., & Sun, P. H. (2021). Knowledge mapping and sustainable development of eSport research: A bibliometric and visualized analysis. Sustainability, 13(18), 10354. (SSCI Q3, IF= 3.889 in 2021)
  • Cho, H., Lee, H. W., Chiu, W.* (2021). Satellite football fans: Does sport nostalgia influence purchase intention toward sponsors' products? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62, 102653. (SSCI Q1, IF= 10.972 in 2021)
  • Chiu, W. & Cho, H. (2021). E-commerce brand: The effect of perceived brand leadership on consumers' satisfaction and repurchase intention on e-commerce websites. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(6), 1339-1362. (SSCI Q3, IF= 4.643 in 2021)
  • Cho, H., & Chiu, W.* (2021). Sport nostalgia builds customer equity and future behavior. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(2), 315-328. (SSCI Q3, IF= 4.338 in 2021)
  • Chiu, W., Chi, C., & Cho, H. (2021). Consumers' continuance intention to use fitness and health apps: An integration of the expectation-confirmation model and investment model. Information Technology & People, 34(3), 978-998. (SSCI Q3, IF= 4.481 in 2021)
  • Chiu, W., & Cho, H. (2021). The role of technology readiness in individuals' intention to use health and fitness applications: A comparison between app users and non-users. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(3), 807-825. (SSCI Q3, IF= 4.643 in 2021)
  • Chiu, W., Oh, G. E., & Cho, H. (2021). Factors influencing consumers' adoption of wearable technology: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 20(3), 933-958. (SCIE Q3, IF= 3.508 in 2021)
  • Cho, H., Chiu, W.*, & Tan, X. D. (2021). Travel overseas for a game: The effect of nostalgia on satellite fans' psychological commitment, subjective well-being, and travel intention. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(10), 1418-1434. (SSCI Q1, IF= 7.578 in 2021)
  • Bae, J. S., Chiu, W.*, & Nam, S. B. (2021). Sport fans' price sensitivity based on loyalty levels: A case of Korean Professional Baseball League. Sustainability, 13, 3361. (SSCI Q3, IF= 3.889 in 2021)
  • Cho, H. & Chiu, W.* (2021). The role of leisure centrality in university students' self-satisfaction and academic intrinsic motivation. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(2), 119-130. (SSCI Q2, IF= 2.561 in 2020)
  • Chiu, W.*, & Leng, H. K. (2021). The experience of sport tourists at the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix: An exploratory analysis of user-generated content. Sport in Society, 24(3), 373-395. (SSCI Q4, IF= 1.578 in 2021)
  • Chiu, W. & Cho, H. (2021). Mapping individuals' aboriginal tourism experiences: A case of the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 27(1), 17–31. (SSCI Q2, IF= 4.000 in 2021)
  • Cho, H., Tan, K. M., & Chiu W.* (2021). Will I be back? Evoking nostalgia through college students' memorable exchange programme experiences. Tourism Review, 76(2), 392-410. (SSCI Q1, IF= 7.689 in 2021)

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Associate Editor, International Journal of Sport Psychology (SSCI), 2023 – Present.
  • Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship (SSCI), 2024- Present.
  • Editorial Board Member, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (SSCI). 2024 –Present
  • Editorial Board Member, Korean Journal of Sport Science, 2021 – Present.
  • Editorial Board Member, Research in Dance and Physical Activity, 2023 – Present.
  • Panel Member, Learning Programme Accreditation for Higher Diploma in Leisure and Recreation Management by UOW College Hong Kong, for Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification March 4-5 2020
  • Academic Advisor, Center for Sport Business and Policy, National Tsing Hua University, 2021 – Present.
  • “A strategic review and contemporary research on Hong Kong coach education and development system” Funded by Hong Kong Coaching Commitee (HK$ 500,000, Role: Principal Investigator)

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Modified Date: 27 Sep, 2024
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