Happy Share

Alumni Communication & Support Alumni Linkage Past Issues January 2018 Issue Happy Share

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The Laus become OUHK Alumni

Lau Kim-man

BSc (Hons) in Applied Computing (2000);

MSc in Information Technology with Internet Applications (2006)


Edison Lau Ho-hin

BBA (Hons) in Business Management (2013)


Lau Ho-yee

BBA in Marketing (2017)


Have you ever imagined your children going to the school you attended, graduating from the same university as you did? The Laus not just imagined but also realized it!


Lau Kim-man obtained his first BSc Degree in Applied Computing and later a Master's Degree in Information Technology in 2000 and 2006 respectively. Influenced by his dad's devotion to continuous learning, Edison Lau Ho-hin, Lau Kim-man's elder son enrolled in a full-time BBA programme offered by the University and graduated in 2013. Currently, Edison even works in Lee Shau Kee School of Business and Administration as a Teaching Assistant. Just a month ago, the youngest member of the Lau family, Ho-yee, walked up to the graduation stage and was conferred a Bachelor's Degree just like what her dad and brother did.


'Witnessing my son and daughter to graduate from my alma mater was indeed a very touching moment, as seeing them walk up to the graduation stage made me recall my good old days learning on OUHK's campus,' said Kim-man. 'What I got from OUHK is not simply a degree, it also gives my family a lot of common topics and collective memories, although we did not study at the same time. Somehow I felt we studied together, as if we were classmates!' he added.


Chinese humanities graduate crowned champion in singing contest

Kitty Leung Kam-lan

BA in Chinese Humanities (2008)


Participating in a singing contest organized by Cheung Ching Lutheran Centre for the Disabled in November 2017, Kitty Leung Kam-lan won the solo championship with a classic Cantonese song.