Alumni Linkage - Feature

Alumni Communication & Support Alumni Linkage Alumni Linkage — Current Issue Alumni Linkage - Feature

The newly elected Executive Committee (ExCom) of HKMU Alumni Association (HKMUAA) is now on board, and the members expressed their honour to take on this important role. “The University has a large community of alumni and many of them have outstanding accomplishments. I am looking forward to connect with them and contribute to our alma mater together.” President Leung Kwok-shing shared earnestly. The two Vice Presidents, Vennis Ma Wei-na and Jet Chou Sai-kit are also delighted about the new role. “Through serving on the ExCom, I connect with the fellow alumni and learn more about their recent developments. We share, learn and improve together,” said Vennis, the Vice President. Jet described the ExCom as the bridge between the alumni and HKMU, aiming to bring positive impact to the development of the University.

Mr CHOU Sai-kit, Vice President of HKMUAA
Mr LEUNG Kwok-shing, President of HKMUAA
Ms MA Weina, Vice President of HKMUAA

The effective operation of the bridge relies on active communication with alumni, and ongoing dialogue with the University. The Committee now holds regular meetings to keep abreast of the University’s latest development, and solicit alumni’s engagement when needed. On the occasion of the University’s 35th Anniversary, a pressing task of the ExCom is rallying alumni of different generations to come home and celebrate, and join the University in moving towards its new milestones.

Act and Assist

Over the 35 years of its glorious journey, HKMU never stops to enhance development and has an ambitious plan on campus expansion. The University’s project requires a substantial amount of funds, the ExCom therefore brought up the idea of organising a fundraising walkathon, which at the same time echo the celebration of the University’s 35th anniversary. Alumni will be showcased the University's buildings and the potential location of the planned campus expansion. By walking around the campuses, alumni can reminisce about their university life, enjoy the ambience of the existing campuses, and look forward to the future development. Kwok-shing mentioned that the key purpose is to showcase the latest achievements of the University and share about the campus expansion project. Alumni will be encouraged to participate in the University’s activities and to support the University's development.

To make the event successful, the first and foremost task is to reunite the fellow alumni. Riding on the efforts of the past ExCom, the new cabinet will continue to be flexible and take prompt actions. The number of alumni is increasing by multiples, and we have to make good use of different communication channels to reach out to them. Apart from promoting on social media, the ExCom members will also connect with alumni through social gatherings. “We do not only aim to reconnect with alumni graduated long time ago, but also establish relationship with the new graduates. We hope to foster interactions among the community.”

Functional and Fun-filled Activities

The alumni community of HKMU consists of individuals from diverse backgrounds and age groups. Maintaining the relationship is never easy, yet, Vennis is positive on this. “We are not limiting ourselves to just connect with a specific age group. We are organising activities with two key elements – some are going to be about leisure and fun, the others will be about career and personal developments. We hope to attract alumni with different needs,” Vennis shared. The former includes dynamic and static activities while the latter relates to personal development. “Those who graduated years ago might like to have a career progression or career change, or seek for new directions for their business. We can organise activities in theme-base series for them,” she added.

Jet thinks organising regular activities offers opportunities to reunite alumni, which creates strong bonding among alumni and make it easier call for support in the future. Interest based activities should cater to the interest of alumni whose suggestions shall be taken into consideration. Adjustments will be made based on their preference. Now, many alumni intend to develop their career in the Greater Bay Area. “Activities, such as courses on National Affairs, can be organised for them. Alumni are encouraged to join the courses so as to widen their horizon, enhance their practical knowledge, and learn to value the identity of being a HKMU alumni,” Jet said.

Pass on Lessons to the Younger Generation

The members of the ExCom graduated from various schools in different years, they even studied in different modes, but this does not affect their teamwork.  “The key point is we all love this family.  We respect each other and try our best to offer help anytime,” Kwok-shing shared.  Students are the younger brothers and sisters of this family, and as the members of HKMUAA ExCom, we are more than happy to offer assistance in their advancement.  Alumni have substantial work and life experience, and they are willing to share with the younger generation.  And it is essential to build an exchange platform.  Kwok-shing suggested adding theme-base lectures in the curriculum, to be delivered by alumni from different industry sectors. “Taking myself as an example, I studied education, so I can share my experience in pursuing further education and work life to prospective teachers. I can also share tips for job seeking and interview. These can help prepare them to excel in the job market.”

Both Jet and Vennis agreed the approach of passing on lessons to new graduates, and they pointed out that alumni’s achievements and personal network in their professional areas are valuable resources, which can be made good use of. Career guidance can be provided to the younger alumni who will have a clear vision of their career path. Young alumni can share their aspirations and receive appropriate support.

While encouraging the fellow alumni to share their experiences, this spirit also motivates the Alumni Association to move forward. As emphasised by Kwok-shing: “Many alumni dedicated their time and efforts in organising activities in the past to support the University. Their care for the alma mater is truly valuable. As a successor, I have to inherit and pass on this spirit.” The three members of the ExCom shared the same feeling that it is their honour to be graduates of HKMU. “HKMU is ambitiously growing. Being the members of the Alumni Association means we are the ambassadors of HKMU, and we will definitely take up the responsibility of establishing a positive image for our alma mater.”