Alumni Story

Alumni Alumni Story

YEUNG Suk-har started her career right after secondary school Advanced Level graduation. The establishment of the University in 1989 had sparked her pursuit of higher education, and she enrolled in Bachelor of Business Administration programme the following year. As an enthusiast of new technologies, she took it further to Master of Electronic Commerce after graduating in 1997 and completed in 2004. Her linkage with the University continued subtly with the joining of her husband, Dr Michael WONG Yick-kam, to University’s Council in 2008 and the service as the chairman from 2016 to 2022. Yeung expressed their 30-year bond with HKMU, “it's wonderful to have such a destined tie with the University!”

Diligence to overcome obstacles; Advancement to academic progress

Looking back when she picked up books again after leaving school for years, Yeung underwent an adaptive phase, sparing no efforts in preparing lessons and completing assignments by the textbook guidelines, and attending tutorials and exams on a timely basis. She shared, “overall, it was not difficult!” Dr Wong, on the other hand, is a practitioner in corporate management with prestige in business sector. She said frankly, “whenever I have questions, I ask my husband's advice.” Dr Wong added that he mainly gave his wife directions through discussions, “I encourage my wife to further her studies. She is also very hard-working and has won a scholarship.” She also obtained the honour of Outstanding Student.

Yeung feels nostalgic flashing back school memories. She recalled the “Multimedia Technology” subject in the master’s programme, when she was suddenly informed to apply calculus knowledge. Since the knowledge had long been forgotten, she once wanted to quit. However, with the encouragement of her tutor, she kept her cool to the challenges. “Some assignments involved relatively new topics like programming language operations that were new to me. So, I paid special attention during tutorials, jotted down key points, and kept consulting the lecturers for advice.” Spending tons of time and effort, she finally caught it up and rode it out.

Witnessing his wife's endeavours, Dr Wong had a unique insight, “HKMU is always ‘easy going in, hard coming out’. I agree. It is a norm that students must pass the assessments.”

Apply what you learn to benefit public and private sectors

Annual trip is a key stress-relieving activity for the duo, and it has never been put aside for her studies. In addition to scheduling the trip before the exam, Yeung made good use of her time. “I would bring books and assignments along to prepare the exam. If I was on a group trip, I could only do my revision in the hotel room at night.”

The bits and pieces of her university life are fruitful and sweet. Although she studied on her interest, she admits, “the knowledge learned is also helpful for work!” She worked in system support and marketing for a computer company and took courses for solid theoretical foundation. “It strengthened my presentation skills, making me fluent in communicating with customers, and even with my superiors and subordinates.” Later, she was promoted to a managerial role. The study even benefits her personal life. She looked at her husband and smiled, “now I have a better understanding of his workplace affairs, and we can communicate better.”

The couple became HKMU alumni one after another. When Dr Wong served as the Chairman of the Council, this senior alumna next to him was also the one to consult. “If I want to know more about things like study situation, I will ask for her opinions. Of course, I have my own information source and judgment.” They both agreed on the renaming of the University in 2022, and firmly believe this is a key step towards future development of the University, and is especially meaningful to full-time students.

Walking hand in hand to support their alma mater

Yeung cherishes these identities from a student to an alumna. On interview day, she brought up a certificate of great commemorative value. That is when she was invited as a University representative in 1999 who went to Shandong and Beijing to attend activities held by the Hong Kong Chinese Youth History and Culture Education Foundation to celebrate the second anniversary of the Hong Kong's return to the Motherland, together with local university student representatives, and exchanged thoughts with mainland students.

She believes alumni can support the University in two ways. One is to serve as a mentor in the “ME&U Career Mentorship Programme”. “Share your understanding of the industry and on-the-job experience with your fellow juniors to help them walk right and well.” For that, she has served as a mentor for two consecutive years. Another way is to sponsor the Alumni Scholarship and Bursary Fund, in which they are actively encouraging students to pursue their dreams.

As a part-time student, she admits her sense of belonging to the University is relatively weak. However, the fondness solidified after being linked to the University for thirty years. “In recent years, I often attend university activities with my husband. I noticed various new developments, and my bond with the University has become deeper and deeper”. The memories from the alma mater belong to “us” as well. Dr Wong warmly reminded, “I am a family member of an alumna, and I regard myself as an alumnus.” In 2023, he was awarded an Honorary degree of Doctor of Social Sciences by the University. A big thanks to the alumni couple for their sharing. Before the session ends, they both expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the University. “We wish the University great success and achievements to new heights!”