Material Delivery Schedule (2024 Spring Term) School of Arts and Social Sciences

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‌Material Delivery Schedule (2024 Spring Term) School of Arts and Social Sciences
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CHIN A162C 中國人文學科基礎課程(一):歷史與文學
CHIN A240C 中文傳意:理論與實踐
CHIN A265C 中國現代修辭學
CHIN A272C 中國現代語法
CHIN A282C 中國近世史
CHIN A350C 多媒體寫作及互聯網在研究上的應用
CHIN A362C 中國當代文學
CHIN A366C 中國現當代散文選讀及創作
CHIN A371C 中國古典小說
CHIN A373B 中西比較文學
CHIN A381C 史學方法
ECON A231 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON A232C 宏觀經濟學導論
ECON A305 Money and Banking
ECON A311 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON A318 Economic Analysis of Public Policy
ENGL A101 University English Writing Skills
ENGL A122 Presentation Skills
ENGL A132 Introduction to English Drama and Poetry
ENGL A232 Socio-cultural Issues in English Literature
GCST A216 Chinese International Relations since 1949
LESM A201 Hong Kong Criminal Justice System
LESM A203 Psychology for Law Enforcement
LESM A301 Core Issues in Policing
LESM A303 Law Enforcement and Policing in Chinese Societies
LESM A304 Research Methods in Law Enforcement and Security Studies
POLS A201 Introduction to Political Science
PSYC A229 Biological Psychology: Theories and Principles
PSYC A318 History of Psychology
PSYC A321 Social Psychology: Theories and Applications
PUAD A202 Introduction to Public Administration
PUAD A302 Government and Business
SOCI A202C 香港社會
SOSC A121C 社會科學基礎課程:心理學
TRAN A252C 翻譯語言研究
TRAN A253C 譯文研究
TRAN A254C 傳譯基礎
CHIN 1002ACD 中國歷史概論
CHIN 1004ACD 中國信仰概論
CHIN 2006ACD 現代語法(一)
CHIN 3005ACD 編輯與廣告
CHIN 4007ACD 文獻目錄學
ECON 2002AED Introduction to Macroeconomics
ENGL 1101AED University English: Reading and Writing
ENGL 2203AED The Structure of Modern English II
PUAD 2002AED Introduction to Public Administration
LESM 2004AED Security Practice and Management
SOSC 1021ACD 社會科學基礎課程:心理學
SOSC 1022ACD 社會科學基礎課程:社會學
TRAN 2252ACD 翻譯導論 (二)
TRAN 2254ACD 傳譯基礎
TRAN 3253ACD 譯文研究
UNI 1001ABW University Core Values