Course Materials Development and Maintenance - Course development

Office for Advancement of Learning and Teaching Course development and maintenance Course Materials Development and Maintenance - Course development

The OUHK uses the Course Team (CT) approach in the development of course materials.

Course development

  • Under this approach, materials written by developers, who are internal or external subject experts, are reviewed by the CT members.

  • The materials are revised and modified based on the CT's comments, and are subject to internal and external review before production.

  • When the content is finalized, the course materials are passed to the ETDU editing and graphic design team for copy-editing, copyright clearance, formatting and layout.

  • The final version is 'signed off' by all concerned parties for approval before output.

  • Multimedia course materials, such as videos, animations or interactive activities are developed by the ETDU's professional teams of web designers, programmers and technicians in conjunction with the instructional designers.