Course Coordinator: Dr. Emily Wong, BCM (HKU), PhD (HKU)
Course Developer: Dr Tanya Chu Ten-wah, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Advisory prerequisite(s)
You are advised to have completed SCI S102, SCI S112 or SCI S122, BIOL S205 or BIOL S301/BIOL S302/BIOL S303.
The overall aims of this course are to expose students to frontier research areas in biological and life sciences. Students will develop an understanding of the basic principles of biology in relation to contemporary issues. Through various learner-based activities, students will understand and appreciate the methods and process of science, and be able to critically evaluate scientific research publications in peer-reviewed journals as well as to broaden their knowledge base in scientific research topics.
The course aims to cover the following topics:
- Molecular cell biology
- Genetically modified plants
- Cancer therapy
- Neuroscience
- Stem cell technologies
- Gene regulation
Learning support
Examples of learning support include face-to-face tutorials, surgeries, weblinks, CD-ROMs, videos and/or field visits. Field visits may be held weekday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.
In addition to assignments, assessment includes a day school performance as well as a final project. Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).
Students need access to a personal computer or other electronic devices with an internet connection.
Set book(s)
There are no set books for this course.
Students with disabilities or special educational needs
Students with impaired vision may have particular difficulties but other students with disabilities or special educational needs should be able to cope with the essential parts of the course. When in doubt, advice should be sought from the Course Coordinator.