In addition to this Course Guide, the course has the following important components.
Study units
The course has five units, including the following:
Unit 1 The study of public administration
This unit introduces you to the discipline and practice of public administration. It also examines some common definitions of public administration. By discussing the major roles of government, this unit reviews the differences between the public and private sectors and organizations. Finally, it addresses the question: 'Is/are the public sector and public organizations distinctively different from the private sector and private organizations?'
Unit 2 From public administration to new public management
This unit discusses the two major approaches to the study of public administration: the traditional model of public administration, and the new public management model. It examines differences between the ideas of the traditional public administration and the new public management models. This unit also evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional public administration and the new public management models with regards to their impacts on the operation of the public sector.
Unit 3 Improving the government's performance
This unit discusses why governments need to reform their public sectors, and examines three major tools that governments may use to improve their performance, including privatization, contracting out, and public- private partnerships. It also assesses the merits and demerits of each of these three tools, and addresses the question: 'Which of the tools is/are most effective for a government to improve its performance?'
Unit 4 Managing the public sector
This unit examines the three key domains to which a government must pay attention if it wants to manage its public sector effectively: strategic management, public personnel and financial management systems, and performance management. The unit studies the ideas of strategic management and the application of strategic management in the public sector. It also evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional public personnel and financial management systems, and examines key reforms that the new public management model has brought about to these systems. Finally, the unit reviews key ideas of performance management, and addresses the question: 'Is performance management an appropriate tool for use in the public sector?'
Unit 5 Accountability in the public sector
This concluding unit examines the concept of accountability and its different forms. It discusses the major purposes of a public sector accountability system, and examines the major mechanisms for holding the government accountable to the public. The unit also evaluates the effectiveness of these different accountability mechanisms. Finally, it discusses the question: 'Do public sector reforms enhance or undermine the government's accountability to the people?'
Set textbook
There is one textbook required for this course. It is:
Hughes, O E (2018) Public Management and Administration: An Introduction, 5th edn, London: Palgrave.
Supplementary readings
Selected readings from academic journals and book chapters will be used to enhance your knowledge acquisition and learning experience. You will be required to read these supplementary readings as you work through the study units.
E-Library E-Reserve readings
You may be instructed to read articles in the E-Library E-Reserve. To read these items, go to the University's E-Library and click on E-Reserve. Log in, click Accept/Agree on the Copyright Restrictions page, fill the Course Code box, and click Search.
Online and multimedia materials
You are required to access to the Online Learning Environment (OLE) during the course of your studies.
Equipment needed (IT resources)
You will need to have access to a computer with an Internet connection to gain access to the OLE as well as to some parts of the course.
Assignment File
For more information on the Assignment File, please refer to the Course Guide section on assessment that follows, and to the Assignment File itself.
Presentation Schedule
The Presentation Schedule is available on the OLE. It gives the dates for the beginning and completion of each study unit, the due date for each assignment, and the dates of tutorials and the supplementary lecture.