This section provides you with details of the structure of this course, arrangements concerning course assessment and other related issues.
Course materials
Printed materials
There is no set textbook for this course. Instead, readings from books, professional journals, research findings and the like are used both to introduce you to particular research approaches and methods and to illustrate the use of such methods in actual research projects.
Study units
The study units in LESM A304 are as follows:
- The philosophy of social research: the positivist project and its problems
- Interpretative philosophies, social realism and research methods
- The nature of qualitative research
- Types and methods of qualitative research
- Collection and analysis of qualitative data
- The process of quantitative research
- Quantitative research methods
- Collection and analysis of quantitative data
- Internet research
Assignment File
To find out the assessment for LESM A304, you should first read the section later in this Course Guide devoted to it. You can also take a look at the course Assignment File, which is included in your course materials.
Presentation Schedule
The Presentation Schedule is available on the Online Learning Environment (OLE). It gives you the dates for completing assignments, attending tutorials, and so on.
Computer and online access
The units on quantitative research methods require you to have access to the computer. Unit 9, which concerns research on the Internet, requires you to have access to the Internet. The tutorials on these various units will be held at HKMU's computer labs for this purpose. If you have your own access to the computer and the Internet, you can of course practise at home; otherwise, you can use HKMU's computer facilities.
The course carries two formal activities in student assessment: assignments and a final examination. Please note that in LESM A304, the assignments serve as the continuous assessment component within the study period and contribute 60% of the total course mark. The other 40% is evaluated through a final examination.
LESM A304 has four set assignments, all of which are required for the continuous assessment. These assignments serve three purposes:
- They provide a mechanism to help you keep up your progress.
- They test your understanding of the topics and require you to demonstrate your achievement of the objectives of each unit.
- They also provide you with an opportunity to apply what you have learned in some applications and case studies.
Assignments, after being marked by your tutor, will be returned to you so that you can be aware of areas for improvement and clarify any misunderstandings. In addition, you can broaden your perspectives through your tutor's feedback.
Assignments focus and schedule
| Focus | Time |
1 | Issues in the philosophy of social research | at the end of Unit 2 |
2 | Issues in qualitative methods | at the end of Unit 5 |
3 | Issues in quantitative research | at the end of Unit 8 |
4 | Issues in researching the internet | at the end of Unit 9 |
Assignments for LESM A304 are structured to meet the specific assessment needs of this course, i.e. they give you the chance to put into practice what you have learned about doing research in the field.
Assignment 01, using essay-style questions, asks you to show you've grasped the philosophical underpinnings of social research.
Assignment 02 asks you to work on a mini research project of your own. You will choose a research area and use qualitative research instruments to investigate that area.
In assignment 03 you will continue to apply your research skills in a specifically online environment.
In assignment 04 you will design quantitative research instruments to investigate a chosen research area, which may or may not be identical to the area you've chosen for assignment 02.
Given the particular need to assess your learning in an articulated, coherent way in LESM A304, all four assignments are required.
At the end of the course, you are required to attend a final examination. The examination aims to test your understanding of all areas of study covered in the course. The examination will be a three-hour, closed book written exam.
The total score of the examination paper contributes 40% of the total course mark.
Summary of course assessment calculation
The following table shows the scores distribution for the final course mark:
Assessment type | Marks |
4 out of 4 assignments | 4 X 15% = 60% |
Examination | 40% |
Total | 100% |
You must obtain a score of 40% in the continuous assessment component and a score of 40% on the final examination to pass the course; that is, you must pass both assessment components. The overall pass mark is 40% or greater.
Course organization
The following chart gives you an overview of the organization of LESM A304:
Unit | Title | Weeks | Assessment activity |
1 | The philosophy of social research: the positivist project and its problems | 5 | |
2 | Interpretative philosophies, social realism and research methods | 5 | Assignment 01 |
3 | The nature of qualitative research | 4 | |
4 | Types and methods of qualitative research | 4 | |
5 | Collection and analysis of qualitative data | 4 | |
6 | The process of quantitative research | 4 | Assignment 02 |
7 | Quantitative research methods | 4 | Assignment 03 |
8 | Collection and analysis of quantitative data | 5 | Assignment 04 |
9 | Internet research | 1 | |
Revision |
| TOTAL | 36 | |