Besides this Course Guide, your course materials consist of:
- five study units;
- a set textbook;
- supplementary readings;
- a Presentation Schedule;
- an Assignment File.
With the exception of the set textbook, which you must buy yourself, these materials are provided by HKMU.
Study units
You can see the titles of the five study units. Each study unit highlights the key points of the topic under study and explains the underlying economic theory. You will also find many short questions which test your understanding or enable you to practise applying some of the theory. At the end of each unit is a self-test which helps you to check your understanding of the key concepts. You are strongly advised to try to answer both the short questions and the self-test questions before looking at the feedback.
You may be instructed in the study units to read articles or other supplementary materials. These will be available online or provided as hard copies.
E-Library E-Reserve readings
You may be instructed to read articles in the E-Library E-Reserve. To read these items, go to the University's E-Library and click on 'E-Reserve'. Log in, click 'Accept/Agree' on the Copyright Restrictions page, fill in the 'Course Code' box, and click 'Search'.
Set textbook
The set textbook is:
Krugman, P R, Obstfeld, M and Melitz, M J (2018) International Economics: Theory and Policy, 11th edn, Pearson.
Presentation Schedule
The Presentation Schedule is included in the course materials. It gives the dates for completing assignments, and attending tutorials, day schools, and so on.
Assignment File
In the Assignment File, you will find two sets of assignments. For more information about the assignments and the assessment of the assignments, see the Course Assessment section below and the Assignment File.