You should pay particular attention to this Course Guide and all instructions in the study units.
You must read each study unit carefully, because it guides your learning. If you do not read the study unit carefully, you might miss important information. If you need more information related to the unit content, you can use the HKMU Electronic Library or the Web.
Each study unit is organized into a number of sections. The first section provides an overview of the unit. It explains how the unit is organized and what you are to study in it. The overview indicates the number of sections contained in the study unit. These sections guide your learning and direct you to complete self-tests. Finally, there is a 'Summary' section near the end of each unit, followed by answers to the self-tests and feedback to activities.
Unit 1 Computer concepts and first Java program
This unit identifies problems that can be solved using computers. It describes the basic components of a computer and the relationship between hardware and software. It distinguishes between interpretation and compilation, describes and gets you using the Internet and the World Wide Web, and describes the Java program development and execution model. You will also install and use the Java Software Development Kit.
Unit 2 Classes and objects
This comprehensive unit describes and defines Java classes, attributes and methods, Java identifiers, objects in Java programs, dot notation to access the object members; names and classifies the eight Java primitive types; differentiates among the primitive types and classes; helps you select the most suitable primitive type for different data; describes conversions between primitive types; teaches you how to perform numeric calculations; describes the use of comments and their importance; applies class packages; and differentiates among instance members and class members.
Unit 3 Control structures
Unit 3 explains the order of executing program statements and guides you in writing logical expressions. It describes different Java branching control structures without nesting, different Java looping control structures without nesting, and teaches you simple debugging techniques.
Unit 4 Graphical user interface
This unit describes the problem of creating a cross-platform GUI, the Java way of creating GUIs, different GUI components, the different layout managers, complex GUIs with panels, the general concept of event handling, event handling in a GUI, Java interfaces, and Java applets.
Unit 5 User interface design
This unit describes the problem of creating a user interface by making use of some design principles, best practices and usability testing.
Unit 6 Data structures
Unit 6 describes the usage of data structures, the development of simple data structures, Java collections, wrapper classes, and string manipulations.
Unit 7 Arrays
This unit describes why arrays are needed. It describes simple arrays of primitive types in Java programs, simple arrays of non-primitive types in Java programs, and searching algorithms.
Unit 8 Advanced control structures and arrays
Unit 8 describes complex logical expressions, nested branching structures, the effect of missing break in switch/case statements, the effect of using break and continue in loops, nested looping statements, sorting algorithms, multidimensional arrays, and recursion.
Unit 9 More on classes
This unit describes data hiding and encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, class constructors, and abstract classes and methods.
Unit 10 Basic input/output
Unit 10 describes files in Java, byte streams and character streams, Java exceptions and how they are handled, Java filter streams, and standard streams.
Throughout the study units, you will find self-tests. The questions are usually short, and the answers provide immediate feedback on your understanding of a technique or principle you have just read about. The answers to the self-tests are included at the end of the unit, but you should attempt to answer all of the questions before looking at the answers.
Checking your understanding
In the 'Overview' section of every unit is a list describing what the unit will do. You should keep this list in mind while you study the unit. When you finish the unit, return to the list and check your progress against it. Many of the concepts in this course will be new to you, and you might have to make quite an effort to understand them. Technical terms are explained in the study units. Keep a note of your problems, and raise them with your tutor as soon as possible. Be specific about a problem so that your tutor can help you more easily.