Vol 18 Issue 4 (Nov 2009)

Home About HKMU University Publications Openlink Vol 18 Issue 4 (Nov 2009)
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President's Message
20th Anniversary Banquet
20th Anniversary Concert
Other 20th Anniversary activities
OUHK's 20th birthday!
'Open for Learning' on TVB Pearl every Sunday morning
OUHK honoured for water quality
Upcoming events
Five distinguished individuals awarded Honorary University Fellowships
New staff
New Honorary Professors and New Council member
Graduate Trainee Programme kicks off
Sponsorship and Donations
OUHK presents over $6.6 million in financial awards
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust funds OUHK's Audio-Visual Production Centre

Recent donations

Programmes and Courses
LiPACE updates
Alumni Affairs
Alumni Link Parent Education Seminar Series
Mainland Links
Shenzhen Preparatory Workshop
Student Support and Activities
Student activities
OUHK welcomes new full-time students
New Publications
Hong Kong: Mock City (in Chinese)
Analysing and Applying English Grammar