Course add/drop

Undergraduate & Sub-degree Students Course Enrolment Course Enrolment System Course add/drop

Course add/drop

Application for Course Add/drop (2025 Spring Term)

Application Period

Year 3 & 4: 13 January 2025 (10:00am) – 24 January 2025 (5:00pm)
Year 1 & 2: 13 January 2025 (2:30pm) – 24 January 2025 (5:00pm)

Guidelines and Procedures

Students who plan to add/drop/swap courses in the captioned term, please note and take action(s) according to the followings:

(a) Please use the appropriate add/drop method to complete your course enrolment. Inappropriate use of method may result in unnecessary delay and unsuccessful enrolment.

Method 1: By self-service enrolment via MyHKMU

  • To add GE and/or Elective course(s)
  • (For Year-1 students only) To add Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training course
  • To swap from one class section to another one

Method 2: By submission of “Application for Add/drop” on MyHKMU (Each student can only submit ONE application during the application period)

  • To add retake course(s) with course result “Fail”
  • To add extra course(s), apart from advice on course selection
  • To drop enrolled course(s)

(b) Refer to the User Guide which provides step-by-step procedures of completing the application form.

(c) Check the available courses to be offered in the Term (5-credit / 3-credit-unit). The course information is tentative and is subject to change.

(d) Late application will NOT be processed.


Important Notes

  1. All applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The approval of an application will be subject to the availability of course places, the student’s class schedule, the fulfilment of prerequisite requirements and the endorsement of the School concerned.
  2. Results of add/drop applications will be finalised by 14 February 2025 (Friday). Students should check if their applications are successful or not via 'Academic Record' and 'Class Schedule' on MyHKMU: courses which are successfully enrolled will be shown in the record.  Courses that do not appear in the record are deemed as unsuccessful.
  3. Students will be assigned to any available class section of the course they applied for.
  4. Students will not be allowed to transfer back to their original course choices once the add/drop course request is approved.
  5. Students may consider taking the equivalent distance-learning course to replace the failed undergraduate or sub-degree courses. Application procedure of retaking courses in distance-learning mode follows the same process of retake application. Courses on offer in distance-learning mode can be found in website: Upon the application is approved, the University will notify student of the registration procedure and tuition fee payment (if incurred) via email. Students fail to complete the registration procedure within the stipulated period, the application will be deemed to be cancelled.
  6. Students who wish to retake 5-credit courses which have phased out and no longer be offered in the current term (including face-to-face mode and distance learning mode), should apply for retaking the replacement courses as listed in the document “Courses not to be taken again”.
  7. For the total credit loading of the full-time undergraduate programmes, please refer to the General Requirement for 5-credit system or 3-credit systemas appropriate.
  8. For any tuition fees incurred by approved course add/drop application, students will receive the debit note around Week 6 or 7 of a Term. Students are required to settle the balances before the stipulated deadline, otherwise, they will be de-registered from the University. Details of tuition fees arrangements are provided in the Tuition Fees