Special Note :
Single-Password Service - When you change a new password, your passwords in related systems will be updated, including MyHKMU, Electronic Library, Online Learning Environment and various eServices.

New Password Requirement :
• Your new password MUST be 8 to 12 alphanumeric characters(A-Z;a-z;0-9, case-sensitive) in length
• Your new password MUST contain at least one uppercase letter,lowercase letter and number
• Your new password MUST not reuse last 3 passwords you have already used
• Your password will have minimum password age of 2 days. Therefore, password could not be changed again within 2 days
 Change Password
Enter User name and Current Password
Note: If you are the first time to use this Single-Password service,
you should type initial password as your current password.

Get help on  Username & Initial Password
User name:
Current Password:
Enter the new password
New Password:
(8-12 alphanumeric characters)
Confirm New Password:
Click the Change button to set your new password
If you have forgotten your password, you can call our Technical Hotline at 2711-2100 or email to itohelp@hkmu.edu.hk