Special Examination Arrangement

Staff Examinations and Assessments Special Examination Arrangement

Special Examination Arrangements

Special arrangements may be made for students with disabilities or special educational needs provided that an application with relevant supporting evidence reaches the University at such a time and by such procedures as specified by the University from time to time. 

Students with disabilities or special educational needs should submit Form S-DI ‘Application for Support Services and Special Examination Arrangements for Students with Disabilities or Special Educational Needs’ to the Student Affairs Office within three weeks after the start of the respective term.

Other students who require special examination arrangements should write to the Examinations and Assessment Office of the Registry.

Language Proficiency Examination

The University invites application for language proficiency examinations to be held in Autumn and Spring examination periods each year. Successful candidates will be awarded certificate.

Applicants should complete and return the Form E-LP ‘Application for Language Proficiency Examination’ to Examinations and Assessment of the Registry together with a crossed cheque to cover the examination fee by the stipulated deadline. Examination timetable will be announced about 6 weeks before the respective examination period. Interested persons may refer to the latest course information and the application form for details.  HKMU students may also refer to the Part-time (Distance Learning) Student Handbook for information. 

Application deadline:
4 weeks before the start of the respective examination period
Announcement of application results:
about 2 weeks before the respective examination period
Announcement of examination results and issue of certificates:
about 8 weeks after the respective examination held

Overseas Examination

(Applicable to students of Part-time (Distance Learning) programmes only)

If a student is going to be overseas during the examination period e.g. business trip, he/she should apply for deferring the examination to the next examination period available for the course concerned. However, if a student really needs to sit the examination outside Hong Kong, he/she may apply for arrangements to have the examination held overseas by submitting Form E-OE ‘Application for Examination Held Outside Hong Kong’ and any relevant supporting evidence.