Staff Profile

School of Science and Technology People Key Staff Staff Profile
Dr. Hung King Fai Kevin 熊景輝博士
BSc (Hons) Queen's University, MPhil CUHK, PhD CUHK
Head of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Associate Professor
School of Science and Technology


Dr. Kevin Hung is the Head of Department of Electronic Engineering & Computer Science and Associate Professor at the School of Science & Technology, HKMU. He has been the principal investigator of school and government-funded projects on telehealth, mobile health, biosignal processing, and exergaming system. Before joining HKMU, Dr. Hung had been Assistant Project Manager at the Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and Electronic Engineer at a medical device company. Dr. Hung received his B.Sc. from Queen’s University, and his M.Phil. and Ph.D. from CUHK. His research interests are biosignal processing, biosystem modelling, mobile health, eye-tracking, and wearable sensors. He is Past Chair and Founding Officer of the IEEE-EMBS Hong Kong Chapter, and has been serving as the founding Counsellor of the IEEE HKMU Student Branch. He is the Vice-Chair of IEEE Hong Kong Section, Immediate Past Chair of the Electronics and Communications Section (ECS), IET Hong Kong, and Branch Committee of IET Hong Kong.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Mobile Health & Telehealth
  • Eye-tracking & Pupillary Dynamics Monitoring
  • Biosignal Processing & Biosystem Simulation
  • Engineering Education
  • Quantum AI for Biosignal Processing
  • Medical Device
  • Biomedical Informatics

Academic & Professional Experience

For details, view full profile
  • Team Member, HKMU QEM, "Service Learning x Design Thinking: Empower Empathy Through Technology," HK$582,052 (2025-2026)
  • Co-I, HKMU R&D Fund, "Development of High-Efficiency Artificial Synaptic Devices for Wearable Neuromorphic Sensing Applications," HK$200,000 (2024-2025)
  • PI, HKMU PFDS, "Preliminary Investigation of Using Quantum Machine Learning for ECG Classification," HK$150,000 (2024-2025)
  • Co-I, HKMU PFDS, "Building a Personalised Risk-benefit Model Incorporating Systemic Corticosteroid Use for Predictin gMajor Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,"  HK$149,9880 (2024-2025)
  • Co-PI, RGC IDS(C), "Dynamic Stability Monitoring & Control of Construction Tower Cranes Using Digital Triple AI and IoT," HK$2,945,543 (2025-2027)
  • Co-I, HKMU TBRF, "A Study of Sustainability-aware Wireless Digital Twin Networks (WDTNs) with Adaptation," HK$1,999,063 (2024-2027)
  • Co-I, HKMU R&D Fund, "An Investigation of Associations between Body-Worn Inertia Measurement Unit Sensors on Human Activities," HK$200,000 (2024-2025)
  • PI, RGC FDS, “Development of Novel Quaternion Signal Processing & Feature Extraction Methods for the Monitoring and Early Detection of Mental Disorders in a Head-based Mobile Health System,” HK$800,960 (2024-2025)
  • PI, HKMU R&D Fund, “Quantum Machine Learning for Electroencephalogram Classification,” HK$200,000 (2023-2025)
  • Co-I, HKMU R&D Fund, "Intelligent Data-driven Wrieless Networks," HK$1,480,566 (2023-2025)
  • Co-I, RGC FDS, “Development of Smart Analytic System with IoT Technology for Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff in Suburban Agricultural Area," HK$1,183,975 (2023-2025)
  • Co-PI, Donation to EdUHK / RMGS, "Evaluation of an Innovative Therapeutic Approach for Social Referencing Disorder in Children with ASD: The Rope Therapy," HK$300,000 (2023-2024)
  • PI, HKMU RMG (centrol pot), "Extracting Causal Relationship Between Emotion & Cause from Documents," HK$948,896 (2022-2024)
  • PI, RGC FDS, “Modelling of Pupillary Muscles' Range Nonlinearity Effects on Pupil-based Evaluation of Autonomic Nervous System,” HK$761,400 (2022-2023)
  • PI, OUHK RMG (central pot), "Development of Renewable Energy-based Charging Stations for Powering Scientific Outposts & Data Collection Kiosks in Off-grid Villages," HKD157,200 (2021)
  • PI, RGC FDS project, “Development of an Exergaming System with Haptic Feedback for the Investigation of Energy Expenditure & Muscle Activities during Sports Training,” HK$663,519 (2016-2018)

Honors and Scholarships

  • President’s Awards for Teaching Excellence (2021 & 2015), HKMU
  • Best Paper Award, for paper entitled, “Investigation of sEMG Patterns for Detection of Poor Trunk Posture,” in Connected World & Smart Living Track, IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – China 2016, Guangzhou, China
  • Best Paper Award, for paper entitled, “Development of an Eye-Based M-Health System,” in Health & Sustainable Technologies for Next Generation Home and Building Automation Session, 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronic Society, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
  • Outstanding Paper Award (most citations in previous 5 years) for paper entitled, “Implementation of a WAP-based telemedicine system for patient-monitoring,” IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (T-ITB) (2007).

Selected Publications


  • K.Y. Angus Wong, K.F. Kevin Hung, K.L. Eddie Law, Eds., Smart Cities, Smart System and Smart Environment Awareness, Environmental Publication House Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 2017.

Book Chapters

  • C.C.Y. Poon and K. Hung, “Mobile Health (m-Health): Intelligent Closed-Loop Solutions for Personalised Healthcare,” in The Handbook of Electronic Medicine, Electronic Health, Telemedicine, Telehealth and Mobile Health, CRC Press, Dec 2015.
  • K. Hung, C.C. Lee, and S.-O. Choy, “Ubiquitous Health Monitoring: Integration of Wearable Sensors, Novel Sensing Techniques, and Body Sensor Networks,” in Mobile Health (mHealth): The Technology Road Map, Springer, Mar 2015.
  • K. Hung, S.D. Bao and Y.T. Zhang, “Mobile Health,” in Encyclopedia of Wireless & Mobile Communications, Taylor & Francis, 2008.
  • K. Hung and Y.T. Zhang, “Telemedicine,” in Wiley Encyclopaedia of Biomedical Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
  • K. Hung and Y.T. Zhang, “Wireless Internet in Telemedicine,” in Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards & Applications, CRC Press, 2003.

Journal Articles

  • Z. Li, J. Bao, Y. Liu, S.-K. Au Yeung, S. Zhu, and K. Hung, "Complement Decoded Point Cloud with Coordinate Adjustment for Video-based Point Cloud Compression," Signal, Image and Video Processing (Accepted), Nov 2024.
  • J. Feng, Y. Fu, Z. Shi, Y. Liu, and K. Hung, "Joint Optimization for Mobile Crowdsensing Systems with Reliability Consideration," IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2024.3504477, Nov 2024.
  • Y. Zhou, Y. Fu, Z. Shi, K. Hung, T.Q.S. Quek, Y. Zhang, "Sustainable Placement with Cost Minimization in Wireless Digital Twin Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3463671, Sep 2024.
  • Z.A. Iqbal, K. Hung, J. Gu, H.K.D. Chow, “Differences in the Stride Time and Lower Limb Joint Angles and Their Variability during Distance Running Between Treadmill and Over-Ground: A Crossover Study,” The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.24.16120-8, Sep 2024.
  • H.C. Wu, E.H.S. Lau, P.C.H. Yuen, K. Hung, J.K.T Chui, A.K.F. Lui, "WTTFNet: A Weather-Time-Trajectory Fusion Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Urban Complex," IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 126611-126623, Sep 2024.
  • J. Gu, Y. Fu, and K. Hung, "On Intelligent Placement Decision-Making Algorithms for Wireless Digital Twin Networks via Bandit Learning," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 73, Iss. 6, pp. 8889-8902, Jun 2024.
  • K. Shi, Y. Fu, and K. Hung, "A Diversified Recommendation Scheme for Wireless Content Caching Networks, " IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 11, Iss. 9, pp. 15100-15112, May 2024.
  • Y. Fu, Y. Shan, Q. Zhu, K. Hung, Y. Wu, and T.Q.S. Quek, "A Distributed Microservice-aware Paradigm for 6G: Challenges, Principles, and Research Opportunities," IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 38, Iss. 3, pp. 163-170, May 2024.
  • J. Gu, K. Hung, B.W.K. Ling, D.H.K. Chow, Y. Zhou, Y. Fu, and S.H. Pun, "Generalized Singular Spectrum Analysis for the Decomposition and Analysis of Non-stationary Signals," Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 361, Iss. 6, 106696, Apr 2024.
  • A.K.F. Lui, Y.H. Chan, and K. Hung, “Functional Objects in Urban Environments and Pedestrian Trajectory Modelling,”Sensors, Vol. 23, Iss. 10, 4882, May 2023.
  • Y. Fu, J. Liu, J. Ke, J.K.T. Chui, and K.K.F. Hung, “Optimal and Suboptimal Dynamic Cache Update Algorithms for Wireless Cellular Networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letter, Vol. 11, Iss. 12, pp. 2610-2614, Dec 2022.
  • X. Li, K.-Y. Wong, K. Hung, and Y. Wang, “Joint Optimization Scheme for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multi-Relay Networks,” IET Communications, Vol. 16, Iss. 3, pp. 1498-1508, Aug 2022.
  • R. Ho and K. Hung, "EEG Analysis and Classification based on Cardinal Spline Empirical Mode Decomposition and Synchrony Features," Medical & Biological Engineering and Computing, Vol. 60, pp. 2359-2372, Jun 2022.
  • J.O. Ajadi, A. Wong, T. Mahmood, and K. Hung, “A New Multivariate CUSUM Chart for Monitoring of Covariance Matrix with Individual Observations Under Estimated Parameter,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 38, Iss. 2, pp. 834-847, Mar 2022.
  • K.-W. Tse and K. Hung, "Framework for User Behavioral Biometric Identification Using a Multimodal Scheme with Keystroke Trajectory Feature and Recurrent Neural Network on a Mobile Platform," IET Biometrics, Vol. 11, Iss. 2, pp.157-170, Mar 2022.
  • K. Hung, H.-Y. Cheung, N. Wan, E. Lee, C.-N. Lai, K. Pan, R. Liang, C. Chu, S.-O. Choy, D. Ng, and D. Chow, “Design, Development, and Evaluation of Upper and Lower Limb Orthoses with Intelligent Control for Rehabilitation," IET Science, Measurement & Technology, Vol. 15, Iss. 9, pp. 738-748, Nov 2021.
  • J.O. Ajadi, K. Hung, M. Riaz, N.A. Ajadi, and T. Mahmood, “On the Multivariate Progressive Control Chart for Effective Monitoring of Covariance Matrix,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 37, Iss. 6, pp. 2724-2737, Oct 2021.
  • S. Zhang, Y. Cheng, D. Luo, J. He, K.-Y. Wong, and K. Hung, “Channel Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Chinese Baijiu Detection with E-Nose,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, Iss. 14, pp. 16170-16182, Jul 2021.
  • J. Guo, Y. Cheng, D. Luo, K.-Y. Wong, K. Hung, and X. Li, ”ODRP: A Deep Learning Framework for Odor Descriptor Rating Prediction Using Electronic Nose, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, Iss. 13, pp. 15012-15021, Jul 2021.
  • X. Li, D. Luo, Y. Cheng, K.-Y. Wong, and K. Hung, “Identifying the Primary Odor Perception Descriptors by using Multi-output Regression Models,” Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, Iss. 8, 3320, Apr 2021.
  • X. Li, D. Luo, Y. Cheng, K.-Y. Wong, and K. Hung, ”A Perception-driven Framework for Predicting Missing Odor Perceptual Ratings and an Exploration of Odor Perceptual Space,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, pp. 29595-29607, Feb 2020.
  • D. Wu, Y. Cheng, D. Luo, K.-Y. Wong, K. Hung, and Z. Yan, “POP-CNN: Predicting Odor Pleasantness with Convolutional Neural Network,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 19, Iss. 23, pp. 11337-11345, Dec 2019.
  • Y. Cheng, A. Wong, K. Hung, Z. Li, and W. Li, “Deep Nearest Class Mean Model for Incremental Odor Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 68, Iss. 4, pp. 952-962, Apr 2019.
  • A. Wong, K.P. Pun, Y.T. Zhang and K. Hung, “A Near-infrared Heart Rate Measurement IC with Very Low Cutoff Frequency using Current Steering Technique,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems: Part-I, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 2642-2647, Dec 2005.
  • K. Hung and Y.T. Zhang, “Implementation of a WAP-based Telemedicine System for Patient-monitoring,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 7, No.2, Jun 2003.
  • Y.T. Zhang, L. Li, K. Hung, and J. Woo, "Telemedicine and Cyberhospital for Health Care Delivery in the 21st Century," Journal of World Medical Instrumentation, 2000.

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Vice Chair, IEEE Hong Kong Section
  • Immediate Past Chair, Electronics & Communications Section (ECS), IET Hong Kong
  • Founding Secretary (2006), Chair (2010), Committee (present), IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS) Hong Kong - Macau Joint Chapter
  • Committee, IET Hong Kong Branch
  • Honorary Secretary (2019-2024), Honorary Treasurer (2024 - present), CIE Hong Kong
  • Founding Counselor, IEEE HKMU Student Branch

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Modified Date: 30 Nov, 2024
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Jonathan Chiu
Marketing Director
3DP Technology Limited

Jonathan handles all external affairs include business development, patents write up and public relations. He is frequently interviewed by media and is considered a pioneer in 3D printing products.

Krutz Cheuk
Biomedical Engineer
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital

After graduating from OUHK, Krutz obtained an M.Sc. in Engineering Management from CityU. He is now completing his second master degree, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering, at CUHK. Krutz has a wide range of working experience. He has been with Siemens, VTech, and PCCW.

Hugo Leung
Software and Hardware Engineer
Innovation Team Company Limited

Hugo Leung Wai-yin, who graduated from his four-year programme in 2015, won the Best Paper Award for his ‘intelligent pill-dispenser’ design at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering’s International Conference on Consumer Electronics – China 2015.

The pill-dispenser alerts patients via sound and LED flashes to pre-set dosage and time intervals. Unlike units currently on the market, Hugo’s design connects to any mobile phone globally. In explaining how it works, he said: ‘There are three layers in the portable pillbox. The lowest level is a controller with various devices which can be connected to mobile phones in remote locations. Patients are alerted by a sound alarm and flashes. Should they fail to follow their prescribed regime, data can be sent via SMS to relatives and friends for follow up.’ The pill-dispenser has four medicine slots, plus a back-up with a LED alert, topped by a 500ml water bottle. It took Hugo three months of research and coding to complete his design, but he feels it was worth all his time and effort.

Hugo’s public examination results were disappointing and he was at a loss about his future before enrolling at the OUHK, which he now realizes was a major turning point in his life. He is grateful for the OUHK’s learning environment, its industry links and the positive guidance and encouragement from his teachers. The University is now exploring the commercial potential of his design with a pharmaceutical company. He hopes that this will benefit the elderly and chronically ill, as well as the society at large.

Soon after completing his studies, Hugo joined an automation technology company as an assistant engineer. He is responsible for the design and development of automation devices. The target is to minimize human labor and increase the quality of products. He is developing products which are used in various sections, including healthcare, manufacturing and consumer electronics.

Course Code Title Credits
  COMP S321F Advanced Database and Data Warehousing 5
  COMP S333F Advanced Programming and AI Algorithms 5
  COMP S351F Software Project Management 5
  COMP S362F Concurrent and Network Programming 5
  COMP S363F Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing 5
  COMP S382F Data Mining and Analytics 5
  COMP S390F Creative Programming for Games 5
  COMP S492F Machine Learning 5
  ELEC S305F Computer Networking 5
  ELEC S348F IOT Security 5
  ELEC S371F Digital Forensics 5
  ELEC S431F Blockchain Technologies 5
  ELEC S425F Computer and Network Security 5
 Course CodeTitleCredits
 ELEC S201FBasic Electronics5
 IT S290FHuman Computer Interaction & User Experience Design5
 STAT S251FStatistical Data Analysis5
 Course CodeTitleCredits
 COMPS333FAdvanced Programming and AI Algorithms5
 COMPS362FConcurrent and Network Programming5
 COMPS363FDistributed Systems and Parallel Computing5
 COMPS380FWeb Applications: Design and Development5
 COMPS381FServer-side Technologies and Cloud Computing5
 COMPS382FData Mining and Analytics5
 COMPS390FCreative Programming for Games5
 COMPS413FApplication Design and Development for Mobile Devices5
 COMPS492FMachine Learning5
 ELECS305FComputer Networking5
 ELECS363FAdvanced Computer Design5
 ELECS425FComputer and Network Security5