Mr Louis Huang

社會科學系 學院簡介 People Faculty Mr Louis Huang

Mr Louis Huang


BSocSc (1st Hons) (OUHK), MSocSc (HKSYU),
CPsychol (BPS), RCoP (HKPS), RCoun (APCPA), MHKPCA


Mr Louis Huang is the Assistant Lecturer of Psychology in the School of Arts and Social Sciences, The Open University of Hong Kong. Equipped with a Master's Degree in Counselling Psychology from the Hong Kong Shue Yan University, he devoted himself to promote mental health of all ages, with an emphasis on Positive Psychology and Strength-based Approach.
Mr Huang is passionate on transferring knowledge and cultivating positive values to students through interactive teaching. Apart from teaching, he also participated actively in both clinical and research fields as a Registered Counselling Psychologist (HKPS) and Research Fellow (PSPRC), especially on parenting, special educational needs and life and death education.
Mr Huang is currently involving in various service learning programs, student training workshops and research projects in the School, as to enhance students' overall mental health and develop appropriate psychological intervention for the needy in Hong Kong.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Parenting and Parent Education
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Positive Psychology
  • Psychotherapy and Counselling
  • Mental Health Promotion

Selected Publications

Book Chapters
  • 黃麒錄 (2020)。〈焦慮〉。載於香港心理學會 輔導心理學部 (主編),《做自己的 情緒管理師:20個負面情緒管理法》(頁30-39)。萬里機構出版有限公司。
  • 黃麒錄 (2020)。〈悲傷〉。載於香港心理學會 輔導心理學部 (主編),《做自己的 情緒管理師:20個負面情緒管理法》(頁118-127)。萬里機構出版有限公司。
  • 黃麒錄 (2020)。〈無助〉。載於香港心理學會 輔導心理學部 (主編),《做自己的 情緒管理師:20個負面情緒管理法》(頁204-211)。萬里機構出版有限公司。
  • 黃麒錄 (2019)。培養家長的正向思維及兒童管理情緒的技巧。我的爸媽不「聰明」,頁89-91。
  • 黃麒錄、唐思偉 (2018)。培育健康快樂孩子,先從夫婦關係開始。Baby Link優質嬰兒用品專門店10週年特刊,頁10-13。
  • 黃麒錄 (2018)。聆聽孩子,相信孩子,放手讓孩子高飛 (代序)。載於阿柱著,親子丼大長篇:勇破英之壇。香港:格子出版社。

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Vice-President, Hong Kong Professional Family Cultivation Association (HKPFCA)
  • Hon. Secretary (External Affairs), Hong Kong Psychological Society, Division of Counselling Psychology (HKPS-DCoP)
  • Voluntary Educational Consultant, Kiddy Imagination Limited