Public and Social Policy Research Centre

社会科学系 Public and Social Policy Research Centre


Funded by the Research Grants Council's Institutional Development Scheme (Project Reference no: UGC/IDS16/18), the Public and Social Policy Research Centre was established by the School of Arts and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (Formerly The Open University of Hong Kong), in January 2019.


The Public and Social Policy Research Centre aims to enhance the research capability of HKMU academics, particularly in the disciplines of economic policy, public policy and social policy. It capitalises on the strengths of HKMU academics' teaching of relevant undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
The policy research undertaken by the Research Centre covers two major policy themes:
  1. Housing
  2. Ageing

Key Objectives

  • To facilitate the generation of research ideas and the development of research proposals in public and social policy
  • To develop the HKMU into a research and academic centre of excellence in the public and social policy study of Hong Kong
  • To support the HKMU to serve as a 'think-tank' for the Hong Kong Government and policymakers in public and private sectors
  • To generate research outputs contributing to conceptual and policy ideas on Hong Kong public and social policy