
首页 恶劣天气下的安排
Arrangements in Adverse Weather



Guidelines for retention/canellation/postponement of various activities under adverse weather conditions



Signal hoisted

Signal lowered

Before activity hours

During activity hours

Classes (including tutorials, lectures, PC laboratory sessions and self-study centres) and Examinations

Cancelled if the Typhoon No. 8 or the Black Rainstorm signals are still hoisted at:

Typhoon No. 8 or above:    All classes/ eaminations to be terminated; self-study centres will be closed.

Classes are to be held as scheduled * if the Typhoon No. 8 or the Black Rainstorm signals are lowered before/ at:

i) 6:30 am – for classes/ examinations before 2:00 pm


i) 6:30 am – for all classes/ examinations on that day

ii) 10:00 am – for classes/ examinations between 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

iii) 2:00 pm – for all classes on that day

Black Rainstorm

Classes/ examinations already in progress will continue; self-study centres will remain open.

ii) 10:00 am – for classes/ examinations between 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

iii) 2:00 pm – for classes at 6:00 pm and after


* Subject to availability of centres and the transportation condition.