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OUHK Database of Staff Scholarly Works |
function validateForm() { var x = document.forms["myForm"]["yearfr"].value; var y = document.forms["myForm"]["yearto"].value; if (x == null || x == "" || y == null || y == "") { alert("Year range must be filled out."); return false; } } <!--
Keywords for all field: (optional)
* Year: (only from 1999 onwards)
Example: 2015 to 2015
Author: (optional)
Example: Smith
Title: (optional)
Example: learning
<!-- All PO Centre / Unit •ETPU •ITU •LIB •LIB •REG School •A&SS •B&A •E&L •S&T •LiPACE --> AllPresident's OfficeSchool of Arts and Social SciencesLee Shau Kee School of Business and AdministrationSchool of Education and LanguageSchool of Nursing and Health StudiesSchool of Science and TechnologyLi Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing EducationEducation Technology and Publishing UnitInformation Technology UnitRegistry
Publication type (Definition):
<!-- 1. Scholarly books, monographs and chapters 2. Journal publications 3. Conference papers 4. Creative and literary works, consulting reports and case studies 5. All other outputs --> All Publications1.1 Research book or monograph (author)1.2 Chapter in an edited book (author)1.3 Textbook (author)1.4 Edited book (editor)2.1 Paper in a refereed journal2.2 Paper in a professional periodical2.3 Journal editors3.1 Invited conference paper3.2 Refereed conference paper3.3 Other conference paper4.1 Course materials4.2 Translation of other's work4.3 Consulting or contract research report4.4 Others
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- If you fill in the title field, it will search for your input in any part of a publication title.
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