本地申請人 - 學費

授課式研究生 學生財務 本地申請人 - 學費
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課程名稱 課程編號 2021/2022 年度入學的學費約為(港幣) 重要事項
Master of Arts in Applied English Linguistics MAAELF $83,100
Master of Arts in Bilingual Professional Translation MABPTF $101,700
中國文學文學碩士 MACLF $104,100
Master of Arts in Creative Industries and Cultural Assets MACICAF $94,800
創意寫作文學碩士 MACWF $94,800
Master of Arts in Cultural and Heritage Tourism (English version) /

Master of Social Sciences
(Specializations: Applied Economics and Policy Analysis / Applied Psychology / Criminology and Social Policy Studies / Global Governance)

MSSCF $97,200
Master of Accountancy MACF $237,300 + $50,370
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Master of Accountancy (Special Entry Route) MACF-S $316,400 + $50,370
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Master of Applied Finance in Risk Management MAFRMF $164,100 + $50,370
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Master of Applied Finance in Risk Management (through Pathway 1) MAFRMF1 109,400 + $50,370
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Master of Applied Finance in Risk Management (Special Entry Route) MAFRMF-S $218,800 + $50,370
#, +
Master of Applied Finance in Wealth Management MAFWMF $164,100 + $50,370
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Master of Applied Finance in Wealth Management (through Pathway 1) MAFWMF1 $109,400 + $50,370
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Master of Applied Finance in Wealth Management (Special Entry Route) MAFWMF-S $218,800 + $50,370
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Master of Business Administration MBAF $186,900 + $50,370
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Master of Business Administration (through Pathway 1) MBAF1 $124,600 + $50,370  
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Master of Business Administration (Special Entry Route) MBAF-S $249,200 + $50,370
#, +
工商管理碩士(中文) MBACF $186,900  #, +
工商管理碩士(中文)(循途徑一) MBACF1 $124,600 #, +
Master of Corporate Governance MCGF $157,800 + $50,370  
#, +
Master of Corporate Governance (Special Entry Route) MCGF-S $210,400 + $50,370
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Master of Global Business and Marketing MGBMF $164,100 + $50,370  
#, +
Master of Global Business and Marketing (through Pathway 1) MGBMF1 $109,400 + $50,370
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Master of Global Business and Marketing (Special Entry Route) MGBMF-S $218,800 + $50,370
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Master of Professional Management in Digital Business MPMDBF $164,100 + $50,370 #, +
Master of Professional Management in Real Estate MPMREF $164,100 + $50,370
#, +,
Master of Education in English Language Teaching MEDELTF
護理學碩士(中醫護理) MNCMNF $101,400
護理學深造文憑(中醫護理) PDNCMNF $67,600
Master of Science in Quantitative Analysis and Computational Mathematics MSCQACMF $111,000
Master of Science in Quantitative Analysis and Computational Mathematics (through Pathway 1) MSCQACMF1 $74,000
Postgraduate Diploma in Quantitative Analysis and Computational Mathematics PDQACMF $74,000
Master of Science in Global Environmental Management for Sustainable Development MSCGEMSDF $116,100
中國環保研究理學碩士 MSCCESF $157,800

#   全日制學生必須修讀海外沉浸課程,並須額外繳付港幣50,370元的課程費用。兼讀制學生則可自由選修海外沉浸課程,課程費用不包括在碩士課程學費內。
+   學院在評估後或會要求學生修讀額外之科目,以便學生有效地修讀與工商範疇相關之碩士課程。有關之具體要求將會列明在錄取通知書上,而額外之學費將按學分計算。


更新日期: Jul 05, 2021