學會會員招募 Recruitment of Student Society Members

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Student Area (Full-time Programme) 學會會員招募 Recruitment of Student Society Members

【學會會員招 Recruitment of Student Society Members

今個學年,5個學會Sportify, Terpsichore, One World Club, 日研社及STEAMina將舉辦各式各樣的學生活動,為同學的校園生活增添色彩。有興趣的同學可掃描海報上的QR Code或到網頁https://shorturl.at/hFNQU填妥入會表格,並密切留意學院宣傳,準時報名心儀活動。


5 Student Societies Sportify, Terpsichore, One World Club, Japanese Studies Society and STEAMina will orgnize a variety of student activities to enhance students' total learning experience in this academic year. Interested students please scan the QR Code on the poster or visit the website https://shorturl.at/hFNQU and fill in the membership application form. Promotion of activities and events is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Application deadline: 30 Sep 2021