FHDECE Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Clone)

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) FHDECE Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Clone)
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DH008 (Dip.)"; lcepart2T_HD()

Mode of Study

Full-time (FHDECE) /
Part-Time (PHDECE)

[For the information of Part-Time (PHDECE) , please check here.]

Medium of Instruction

Except for Chinese language courses, lectures will be conducted in English (supplemented with Chinese as appropriate) and teaching notes and course assessments are in English.


2 years full-time / 3 years part-time


[Local Students]
Full-Time : HK$129,000
(Paid in 4 equal installments, HK$32,250 each semester)
Part-Time : HK$129,000
(Paid in 6 equal installments, HK$21,500 each semester)

Continuing Education Fund

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund


[ Consent for CEF Course Participant upon Enrolment]




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  • Launched in 2008, LiPACE is the first self- financing tertiary institution offered Early Childhood Education teacher training course taught in English.

  • The first self-financing tertiary institution in Hong Kong with a kindergarten mock up room.

  • The only teacher training programme in Hong Kong that has a parent-child carnival prepared by students on yearly basis.

  • To promote social integration, an experienced lecturer will share her own experience as a non-Chinese in Hong Kong, and guide our students to learn more about minority families through cooperation with support service centre to provide various activities for non-Chinese speaking children.

  • The course content is comprehensive, including practical workshops, teaching material design, and volunteer services, visiting early childhood education related settings; explore community resources, industry expert seminar, overseas exchanges, etc.

Programme Information


To align with the Education Bureau's initiative in upgrading the professional qualification of early childhood practitioners, the programme aims to equip students with knowledge in child development and early childhood education, and the necessary skills to perform educational and professional responsibilities in early childhood settings in Hong Kong.


Upon completion of the programme, participants should be able to :

  • develop a range of generic skills, including language, interpersonal communication, information technology and analytical skills;
  • explain the theories and process of child development, and its application to early childhood education setting;
  • analyse the cultural, social, economic and political factors affecting the development of early childhood education, with particular reference to Hong Kong;
  • plan, implement and evaluate contemporary early childhood curriculum and programmes appropriate to the early childhood education settings in Hong Kong;
  • recognise the special needs of children with diverse developmental problems and suggest solutions in working with them and their families;
  • perform educational and professional responsibilities in early childhood education settings in Hong Kong;
  • work with parents or families in promoting home-school collaboration in early childhood education; and
  • practise continuous independent learning and reflective practice.

Entry Requirement

Entry Requirement

Applicants are normally required to meet one of the following requirements:  

  • Level 2 in 5 HKDSE subjects (including English Language and Chinese Language)^; or

  • Satisfactory completion of LiPACE's “Diploma in Early Childhood Studies (Educational Kit Design)”; or

  • Satisfactory completion of Diploma Yi Jin; or

  • Satisfactory completion of a QF Level 3 Diploma or an equivalent programme, e.g. Diploma of Foundation Studies awarded by Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) or by a post-secondary institution in Hong Kong; or

  • Other acceptable equivalent qualifications (including non-local qualifications obtained in or outside HK, or other qualifications/experience deemed to be equivalent); or

  • Mature applicants aged 21 or above, preferably with relevant working experience.

^ Applicants possessing “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)" and “Attained with Distinction (II)” results in an Applied Learning (ApL) subject are deemed to have attained “Level 2”, “Level 3” and “Level 4” respectively in one HKDSE subject, with a maximum of two ApL subjects can be counted for admission purpose.



Programme Structure

Full-time Mode

  • Early Childhood Development 幼兒發展

  • Introduction to Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育導論

  • Curriculum in Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育課程

  • Management and Administration in ECE 幼兒教育的管理及行政

  • IT and Digital Literacy in Early Childhood Education 幼兒教育的電腦及數位素養

  • Diverse Needs Education 個別差異的教育

  • Introduction to Sociology 社會學概論

  • Self Understanding and Personal Efficacy 自我認識及自我效能

  • Parental Involvement and Home School Collaboration 家長參與及家校協作

  • Professionalism in ECE* / Event Planning in EC Settings* 幼兒教育的專業* / 幼兒教育的項目策劃*

  • Field Practice^ 教學實踐^

  • English for Communication I, II & III 英語溝通技巧 (一)、(二)及(三)

  • Putonghua in Use1 / Fundamental Putonghua2 普通話運用1 / 基礎普通話2


* Elective course: choose 1 out of 2
^ Course includes not less than 320 practicum hours
1For Chinese students   2For non- Chinese students

LiPACE reserves the right to make alternations (including elective courses) without prior notice

Professional Recognition

Professional Recognition 

This programme meets the Education Bureau's requirement of the framework of a Certificate in Early Childhood Education (CE(ECE)) training programme with the professional recognitions of Qualified Kindergarten Teacher(QKT), Child Care Worker (CCW) and Child Care Supervisor (CCS). Education Bureau and Social Welfare Department are the ultimate authorities of granting registration.

Articulation Pathways

Further Studies

Graduates may articulate to :

  • Senior Year entry of Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education: Leadership and Special Educational Needs)+ offered by OUHK (the programme is recognized by Social Welfare Department for Special Child Care Worker (SCCW) Registration)

  • Senior Year entry of Bachelor of Science in Applied Child Development+ offered by University of Hong Kong

  • Senior Year entry of Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education+ offered by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Senior Year entry of Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education+ offered by Hong Kong Baptist University

  • Senior Year entry of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Special Education+ offered by The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) (3-years part-time)+ offered by The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) in Leadership and Special Needs (4-years part-time)+ offered by The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) in Leadership and Non-Chinese Speaking Children (4-years part-time)+ offered by The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Senior Year entry (final year) of Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Childhood Studies (in campus mode) + awarded by University of Birmingham

  • Senior Year entry (final year) of Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Childhood Studies (online mode) + awarded by University College Birmingham

  • Senior Year entry (final year) of BEd (Hons) Education and Early Years offered by SHAPE + awarded by University of Hull


+ Subject to GPA result and / or admission test.


Chan Yeuk Laam
  • 2021 Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Child Development (2-year full-time) at The University of Hong Kong
    (UGC-funded Programme)

Chan Hei Man
  • 2021 Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
  • Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education (2-year full-time) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    (UGC-funded Programme)
我想成為一位幼稚園老師,在LiPACE 兩年間很高興有很多學習與實踐的機會,即使經歷疫情,LiPACE的老師和同學亦盡力從中協助,感謝在LiPACE遇上的每一位。

Chan Hoi To
  • 2021 Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Special Education (Four-year Full-time) at The Education University of Hong Kong
    (UGC-funded Programme)
LIPACE的導師們在課堂上把各式各樣的問題和理論有條理地琢磨清楚,彌補我在理解和知識上的不足之處。學院並提供不同的教學實踐機會,例如實習、親子攤位嘉年華等。過程中我受益非淺、深受啟迪,讓我把所學的專業知識及技能運用到實際當中 ,深刻感受到教育令我心感滿足,明白自身希望全心投身到教育事業,教導有特殊學習需要的學生。

Choi Chak Yee
  • 2021 Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
  • Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Early Childhood Education) (Three-year Part-time) at The Education University of Hong Kong
    (UGC-funded Programme)
Career Prospects

Career Prospect

Graduates are eligible for working as registered kindergarten teachers, childcare workers or childcare supervisors in Hong Kong, or any career related to early childhood education.

Professional Development

Guest experts (not kindergarten teachers) are invited to share their expertise and inspire our student teachers.

Over the past several years, many guest experts have involved in our programme. Including: educational psychologist, kindergarten principal, physical fitness trainer, teaching pack publisher, chief toy designer, social worker, occupational therapist.


Registered Physiologist – 'Enhance physical and attachment through infant massage'

Physical Fitness Trainer – 'How to promote physical fitness in early childhood years'

HK Family Planning Association – 'Teaching children to self- protection techniques'

Playright – 'Learning by Playing'

Registered social worker – 'Using Boardgames in Preschool Settings'

Teacher Workshop by Children Chiropractic Fund
Overseas Exchange Tour
Year 1 students were awarded with HRSAR Government Scholarship (ROA) and attended the English Summer Camp at University College Birmingham

Year 2 students joined a kindergartens visit tour in Tokyo, Japan. Class visits and discussion forums were arranged

ECE students visited kindergarten teacher training institution and kindergartens at Shandong, China
Serving the Community

Types of voluntary services include kindergarten Open Day/ Celebration and Party/ Graduation Ceremony/ Sports Day, Reading Scheme at community centre, game booths, homework assistances programme, etc.

Target groups include preschoolers, children with special needs, new immigrant children, families, etc.

Kindergarten - 「Character City」

Kindergarten – Graduation Ceremony

Kindergarten – Festival Events

Book Fest – Shatin

Serving people with special needs
Mini- Education Carnival

Final year students advocate for play- based learning for young children in the Mini- Education Carnival (MEC) held once a year (March/ April)

Every game booth, story- telling sessions/ drama were designed according to the children's developmental needs. Furthermore, student teachers need to make DIY props (e.g. backdrop, photo frame, banner) to bring some magic into their game booths and storytelling scene.

Game Booths

Story- telling Sessions and Drama
Professionals Pass the Torch and Wisdom to Students

We are grateful to have Ms. Wong and Ms. Kong for sharing their experiences, expertise and wisdom in designing teaching props for toddlers, preschoolers and children with special needs.

After the workshops, student teachers need to prepare and design teaching props that are developmentally appropriate for toddlers and preschoolers. Furthermore, they are invited to give mock teaching during class

Ms. Karen Wong, Chief Designer of Infant Toys and SEN Tool
Workshop: Design 3D Infant Toys based on their Developmental Milestones

Ms. Renita Kong, Chief Designer of Boardgames
Workshop: Design Boardgames with Hong Kong features

Message from Employers
  • 嗇色園主辦可瑞幼稚園校長
本校過往每年都會為不同院校的幼教學員提供實習機會,讓他們可以從實際的教學環境下配合已有之理論基礎提升教學質素。上年度初次接觸OUHK LiPACE的學員,對她們表現留下很深刻的印象,兩位老師每天到校總是臉帶親切的笑容,認真教學亦虛心學習,本年度兩位老師已成為本校的一份子了。感謝OUHK LiPACE的循循善誘,培育出一批又一批的幼教新力軍!

  • 深水埗浸信會幼稚園校長
  • 香港教育工作者聯會理事會理事
作為一位啟導老師,常常存著感恩的心指導 LiPACE實習生的過程,因此,在指導實習生的過程中,亦可以與他們一起學習和進步,彼此激勵、成長,與時並進,提升自己的專業能力。最能讓我感到高興的是能夠啟發LiPACE實習生對教學的思維,讓他們實踐「兒童為本」的課程,真正讓學生自主自發地學習。
Media Coverage


Graduates' Sharing
  • 2021 幼兒教育高級文憑
  • 全職幼稚園老師

  • 2021 幼兒教育高級文憑
  • 全職幼稚園老師

Asha Bibi
  • 2021 幼兒教育高級文憑
  • 非華語教學助理 (EM Teaching Assistant)
In the Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education, LiPACE implemented a practicum for us to gain hands-on experience working with young children. Also, the programme combined organizing a mini-educational carnival (MEC) which let us invent our game booths. This was a marvelous practice and supported us strengthen our knowledge and skills. Storytelling was also an exceptional adventure because we acquired to prepare stories according to the children's developmental needs and made handmade props. This has considerably advanced my vulnerability in making diverse kinds of props including generating a range of universal skills, language, and interpersonal and communication skills in early childhood settings. In completion of the course, I have experienced working in kindergarten and nourish me to find my enthusiasm and to proceed to work in the early childhood field.

SHEK Tsz Lung
  • 2015年畢業生
  • 香港教育大學「幼兒教育(榮譽)學士」
  • 現職幼稚園教師

Kent Chau
  • 2014年畢業生
  • 香港教育大學「幼兒教育(榮譽)學士」
  • 現職幼稚園教師
LiPACE幼兒教育老師們教學用心,給予我不同方面的支援及課堂上的調適。於實習時給予的提點,確保我能運用所學的理論和知識來教導幼兒,讓我在實習期間表現主動且令人滿意,未完成課程已獲實習學校聘請。老師亦引導我要以幼兒為本的教導,令我對幼兒加倍用心。LiPACE的課程影響到我對幼兒教育的鍾愛及追求, 令我不斷於幼兒教育的範疇上進修,渴求得到寶貴的經驗,例如到保良局協助開校,報讀教大學士學位,樂於接受不同的挑戰,令我一路以來有不少收獲,包括同事、家長的認同和支持, 學生的喜愛, 上司給予的機會等。