
Department of Humanities, Language and Translation 学院简介 院长的话

My warmest welcome to the School of Arts and Social Sciences (A&SS), The Open University of Hong Kong.
The A&SS is a vibrant and fast-growing school, which offers a wide range of programmes in humanities, language, translation, social sciences, and creative arts. Our diverse programmes attract about 2500 full-time undergraduate students, 1500 part-time undergraduate students and 500 postgraduate students. We have almost 100 full-time and 100 part-time academic staff to engage in teaching, research and community services.
The study of arts, social sciences and creative arts are relevant and vital to any society. We place much emphasis on quality and creative curricula to nurture students with a critical and inclusive mind, as well as the ability to solve real-world problems. To reach our vision and mission, we have embedded service learning, co-curricular activities and internship to better equip our students not just for their future career, but also to develop their humanistic concern for our society and the world.
We believe in research-informed teaching. With the competitive grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and generous donation from those who share our values, we established three research institutes/centres, namely Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities (RIDCH), Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture (TKPCCC) and Public and Social Policy Research Centre (PSPRC), to house a cluster of active researchers to participate in academic and applied researches, which enhance our teaching and address pressing issues of the society.
This short welcome message can just give you a sketch of our School. I sincerely invite you to visit our website to have a fuller picture of our flourishing School, in particular how we create a wholesome learning environment to achieve our vision and mission.
Professor Charles Kwong
School of Arts and Social Sciences
The Open University of Hong Kong