
教育及語文學院 主頁 People 職員簡介
Dr. Lee Sze Wah Sarah 李思華博士
BSc CUHK, MA Leeds, PhD London


Dr Sarah Lee earned her PhD in English and Comparative Literature from Goldsmiths, University of London. She researches in the field of modernist studies with a focus on the transnational exchanges between Anglophone and European writers and artists in the early twentieth century. She explores how these Continental and transatlantic artistic networks traversed both national and cultural borders as well as artistic media to develop and promote avant-garde aesthetics in Anglophone works of art, taking an interdisciplinary approach with main focuses on literature and the visual arts. She is also interested in promoting quality of life through literature, and the study and appreciation of English language and literature in cross-cultural settings. She has taught literature, linguistics, and EAP and ESP courses to English major and English Education double degree students at various universities in Hong Kong, and has published on modernist and comparative studies, digital pedagogy and philosophy of technology.


  • Modernism and the European avant-garde
  • Literature and the visual arts
  • Interdisciplinary studies
  • Poetry
  • Comparative literature and translation studies
  • Literature and quality of life


  • Lecturer and Part-time Instructor, English Language Teaching Unit, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2013-2014, 2016-2019, 2021-2022)
  • Lecturer, Department of English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University (2019-2021)
  • Guest Lecturer, Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong (2019)
  • Editorial Assistant, International Yearbook of Futurism Studies series (Ed. by Günter Berghaus, published by De Gruyter) (since 2013)
  • Associate Fellow (AFHEA), Higher Education Academy (now AdvanceHE) (since 2014)
  • PhD Affiliate, British Centre for Literary Translation (2012-2016)
  • Principal Investigator, 'Edmund Blunden in Hong Kong (1953-1964): Poet, Pedagogue and Public Intellectual'. Research and Development Fund, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (2023-2025)
  • Fellowship Recipient, 'F. S. Flint and Early 20th Century Anglo-French Poetic Exchange'. Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship in the Humanities, University of Texas at Austin (2019)
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, 'French Interactions of Imagism before the First World War'. Department of English and Comparative Literature, Goldsmiths, University of London (2017-2018)




  • 李思華(主編)(2023)。《聽之不完——中大合唱團五十年》。中大合唱協會有限公司。
  • Lee, Tak-Yan, Daniel TL Shek, Joav Merrick and Sarah SW Lee, editors. Positive Youth Development: Digital Game-based Learning. Nova Science, 2020. (Reprint of Digital Positive Youth Development Games: Theory and Practice, special issue of International Journal on Disability and Human Development, vol. 18, no. 4, October-December 2019.)


  • Lee, Tak-Yan, Daniel TL Shek, Sarah SW Lee and Joav Merrick. "Editorial: Game-based Learning for Positive Youth Development: A Preventive Approach." In Tak-Yan Lee, Daniel TL Shek, Joav Merrick and Sarah SW Lee (Eds.), Positive Youth Development: Digital Game-based Learning (pp. 3-17). Nova Science, 2020.
  • Lee, Sarah SW, Tak-Yan Lee and Chin Ma. "Using Chinese and Western Literature in a Digital Game to Enhance Core Competencies for Peer and Romantic Relationships among Adolescents." In Tak-Yan Lee, Daniel TL Shek, Joav Merrick and Sarah SW Lee (Eds.), Positive Youth Development: Digital Game-based Learning (pp. 269-303). Nova Science, 2020.
  • Lee, Sarah SW, Tak-Yan Lee, Tom KC Lui, Caroline Cheng and Stephen Ma. "Prevention of Cognitive Biases through a Digital Positive Youth Development Game." In Tak-Yan Lee, Daniel TL Shek, Joav Merrick and Sarah SW Lee (Eds.), Positive Youth Development: Digital Game-based Learning (pp. 179-204). Nova Science, 2020.
  • Lee, Tak-Yan, Sarah SW Lee, Tom KC Lui, Joyce WS Tsang, Caroline Cheng, Roger KL Lau and Kylie KY Wong. "A Journey to Somewhere, to Someone: A Digital Positive Youth Development Game on Friendship and Romantic Relationship for Adolescents." In Tak-Yan Lee, Daniel TL Shek, Joav Merrick and Sarah SW Lee (Eds.), Positive Youth Development: Digital Game-based Learning (pp. 205-238). Nova Science, 2020.
  • Lee, Sze Wah Sarah. "Futurism in English Art and Literature: The Response of Imagism and Vorticism." In Günter Berghaus, Domenico Pietropaolo and Beatrice Sica (Eds.), International Yearbook of Futurism Studies Volume 8 (pp. 30-56). De Gruyter, 2018. doi.org/10.1515/9783110575361-003


  • Lee, Sze Wah Sarah. "Attribution of Authorship: 'Some Modern Tendencies in English Art' in the Apollinaire Collection." Notes and Queries, vol. 71, no. 3 (September 2024), pp. 357-362. doi.org/10.1093/notesj/gjae063
  • Lee, Sze Wah Sarah. Review of Faith Binckes and Carey Snyder, eds, Women, Periodicals and Print Culture in Britain, 1890s-1920s: The Modernist Period (Edinburgh University Press), Journal of European Periodical Studies, vol. 6, no. 2 (Winter 2021), pp. 121-125. doi.org/10.21825/jeps.v6i2.21080
  • Lee, Sze Wah Sarah. "Anglo-French Poetic Exchanges in the Little Magazines, 1908-1914." Modernist Cultures, vol. 16, no. 3 (August 2021), pp. 340-366. (Runner-up of the British Association for Modernist Studies (BAMS) Essay Competition 2018.) doi.org/10.3366/mod.2021.0338
  • Clapp, Jeffrey, Matthew DeCoursey, Sze Wah Sarah Lee, and Kris Li, "'Something Fruitful for All of Us': Social Annotation as a Signature Pedagogy for Literature Education." Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, vol. 20, no. 3 (July 2021), pp. 295-319. doi.org/10.1177/1474022220915128
  • Lee, Sarah Sze-wah. Review of C. T. Au, The Hong Kong Modernism of Leung Ping-kwan (Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield), Hong Kong Studies, vol. 3, no. 1 (Summer 2021), pp. 21-27. https://cup.cuhk.edu.hk/image/catalog/journal/jpreview/HKS3.1.07.pdf
  • Lee, Sarah. "The Imagisme Brand and Imagist Rivalries." Florida English (ISSN 1940-6088) (2014), pp. 63-73.


  • Advisor, English Language Education Society, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
  • Advisor, Chung Chi College Toastmasters Club, The Chinese University of Hong Kong




Modified Date: 21 Nov, 2024
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