Dr Edward Y.W. Chu is Programme Leader of the Full-time Programme BEd(Hons)&BEngLang(Hons) in the School of Education and Languages. He coordinates and teaches a number of teacher education courses and English proficiency courses.
Prior to joining HKMU, he was Prefect of Studies and headed the English Department of a local secondary school. With the financial subsidy amounting to HKD850,000.00 through EDB’s Refined English Language Enhancement Scheme (REES), he spearheaded a number of initiatives promoting English language learning with a special focus on Language Across the Curriculum (LAC).
His research interests include CLIL/CBI and language-in-education policy. He has been involved in several Education Bureau (EDB)-commissioned programmes since 2016. One that he has recently completed is a project on enhancing English Writing Skills through LAC in the subject 'Life and Society'. He is currently serving on three official committees in EDB.
Teaching Areas & Research Interests
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Bilingual Education and Language Across the Curriculum (LAC)
Academic & Professional Experience
Externally-funded Projects (in descending chronological order)
Principal Investigator
'Provision of Services for Developing a Teaching Manual on Enhancing Students' English Writing Skills through Promoting Language across the Curriculum in Life and Society (Secondary 1-3) Cum Trial Teaching and Teacher Training Workshops', EDB commissioned project, HK$760,000 (approx.), Jan 2019 - Jan 2021
'Provision of In-service Professional Development Programme: Three-day Course for Secondary School Teachers on Conducting Extended Learning Activities in English for the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Key Learning Area', EDB commissioned project, HK$377,000 (approx.), Mar 2019 - Aug 2020
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
- Chu, E. Y. (2023). Immersion education: vice or virtue?. Conference Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching and Education. DOI:
- Chu, E. Y. (2019). What is effective second language exposure and how does it relate to Content-based instruction (CBI) and Language Across the Curriculum (LAC)?. Journal of Second Language Studies, 2(1), 93-118. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins.
- Chu, E. Y. (2016). A planning error revealed: Mother Tongue education (1998–2010) in Hong Kong. European Journal of Language Policy, 8(2), 153-172.
- Chu, Y. W. E. (2014). Teachers' and Students' Views on the MOI Fine-tuning Arrangement in Hong Kong. Conference Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Language Learning 2014, 211-231 (ISSN – 2186-4691)
Selected Professional & Community Services
- Vetting Committee on Exemption from the Language Proficiency Requirement (English) (2023-)
- Working Group on Development of a Guiding Framework for Primary and Secondary Techer Education Programmes (EDB) (2022-)
- Curriculum Development Council (CDC) committee on English Language Education (2021-)
- EDB-commissioned project: Professional Development Programme for Secondary School Teachers on Conducting Extended Learning Activities in English for the Science Education/PSHE Key Learning Area (2016-2018)
Modified Date: 02 Sep, 2023
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