Teaching Areas & Research Interests
- Chinese linguistics
- Chinese language education
Academic & Professional Experience
Externally-funded Research Project
Principal investigator, Research and Development Grant, FDS project, "Perception and Production of the Putonghua Tone of Non-Chinese Speaking South Asian Ethnic Minority Students in Hong Kong", Research Grants Council, HK$ 575,100 (Ref. No. UGC/FDS16/H15/19), 2020-2021.
Internally-funded Research Project
Principal investigator, funding from President's Advisory Committee on Research and Development (PACRD), "A Pilot Study on Acoustic Study of Tone in Eastern Min Chinese", OUHK, HK$ 79,516 (Ref. No. ROU/H10/18 ), 11/2018-10/2019.
Principal investigator, funding from President's Advisory Committee on Research and Development (PACRD), " A Preliminary Study of Application of Learning Platform in Error Analysis of Acquisition of Putonghua Pronunciation for Hong Kong University Students", OUHK, HK$ 83,805 (Ref. No. 2017/1.5), 1/2018-6/2019.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
- Lam, M. F. and Zhu X. N. (2018)“福建福清閩方言的 [phaʔ] 句法結構”.《漢語史與漢藏語研究》. 第3輯, 128-150. (張玉來主編. 北京:中國社會科學出版社.)
- Shen, R. Q., Hong, Y., Lam, M. F. and Zhu, X. N. (2016) The Five Falling Contours in Jianyang Min Typological Significances. Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics.9.2: 250-263.
- LAM Manfong, HONG Ying. 2016. Lax and tense vowels in Fuqing dialect, Fujian Province 福建福清方言的鬆緊元音. Fangyan 方言. 3:316-322.
- LAM Manfong, HONG Ying, and ZHU Xiaonong. 2013. On the two types of short falling tones 短降也分高低——降調種類的補充. Journal of East Linguistics 東方語言學. 1:1-10.
- HONG Ying, LAM Manfong and ZHU Xiaonong. 2013. On the four falling contours in Gurao Min 谷饒方言的四個降調. In Shifeng, Penggang ed., Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on his 80th Birthday 大江東去: 王士元教授八十歲賀壽文集. Hong Kong: City University Press. p. 219-234.
- LAM Manfong. 2009. Length as the exclusive distinctive feature: a perception experiment of Fuqing tones 長短作為唯一區別—福清方言聲調聽感實驗 . Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 中國語言學集刊. 4.1: 89-103.
Modified Date: 27 Sep, 2022
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