
School of Education and Languages Demo

Course Table

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit-UnitsCourse Label
ENGL 1110EEDEnglish for Effective Communication I: Listening and Speaking3CC  
ENGL 1120EEDEnglish for Effective Communication I: Reading and Writing3CC  
IT 1150EEDInformation Technology for Learning3CC  
ENGL 2200EEDEnglish for Effective Communication II: Reading and Writing3CC CC2
ENGL 2202AEDThe Structure of Modern English I3CC CC2
ENGL 2203AEDThe Structure of Modern English II3CC CC2
ENGL 2205EEDPreparing for IELTS3CCCC1CC2
ENGL 2210EEDEnglish for Effective Communication II: Listening and Speaking3CC CC2
ENGL 2225EEDShort Stories around the World3CN  
ENGL 2235EEDHong Kong Literature in English3CN  
ENGL 3320EEDEnglish Grammar in Context6CNCN1CN2
ENGL 3330EEDLexical Studies in English3CNEC3-1EC3-2
ENGL 3345EEDCritical Analysis of Modern Literary Masterpieces3CNEC3-1EC3-2
ENGL 3350EEDSecond Language Acquisition3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3329AEDSemantics3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3330AEDPragmatics3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3331AEDSociolinguistics I3CNEC3-1EC3-2
LANG 3332AEDSociolinguistics II3CNEC3-1EC3-2
ENGL 4300EEDThe Art of English12CNEC4A-1CN2
ENGL 4372EEDWorlds of English12CNEC4A-1CN2
ENGL 4415EEDCritical Approaches to Contemporary Children's Literature3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
ENGL 4420EEDPsycholinguistics3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
ENGL 4425EEDLiterature and Film3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
ENGL 4430EEDTechnology in Language Studies3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
LANG 4332AEDStylistics3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
LANG 4333AEDDiscourse Analysis3CNEC4B-1EC4-2
University Core Courses 
UNI 1001ABWUniversity Core Values2UCC  
UNI 1011ABWSocial Responsibilities1UCC  
UNI 2001BEWEffective Communication and Teamwork3UCC  
UNI 3001BEWEntrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership for Sustainability3UCC