Anthony CHAN Yat Ming

Department of Creative Arts People Faculty Anthony CHAN Yat Ming

Anthony CHAN Yat Ming


MScMET (PolyU)


Mr. Anthony Chan graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic and received his Master of Science in Multimedia & Entertainment Technology at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He has more than 20 years of professional experience in the animation and video production field. Being the founding vice chairman of the Guangzhou Animation and Comics Association, he is one of the pioneers in Mainland Chinese Animation industry.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Animation
  • Comics
  • Pop culture
  • Visual Effects

Grant & Funding

  • Principal investigator, Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust Research and Publication Fund (Applied Research), “From comics to animation: a media study of Hong Kong's creative industry”, University Research Centre, HK$88,200 (Ref. no.: KS2017/1.1), 2017-2019.