Media Coverage

School of Arts and Social Sciences Research Ina Ho Cantonese Opera Research Centre Media Coverage

Media Coverage


Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony between HKMU and the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong 

HKMU and the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong sign an MoU to promote Cantonese opera research, promotion and preservation [HKMU News Centre]

八和會館—香港都會大學合作備忘錄簽署儀式│攜手推動粵劇研究與傳承 [the Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong (CAAHK)]

Promoting Cantonese opera research, promotion and preservation with the CAAHK [LinkedIn]

都大與香港八和會館合作 共同推廣粵劇研究與傳承 [Hong Kong Commercial Daily]

都大與八和會館簽合作備忘錄 推動粵劇研究 [Sing Tao Daily] 

都大與香港八和會館簽訂合作備忘錄 共同推動粵劇研究、推廣與傳承 [WWP Education]

香港都會大學香港八和會館合作備忘錄簽署儀式 [氍毹尋夢] 

唱千古風流人物 [Hong Kong Opera Preview]

Gen Z Cantonese opera performers bridge modernity and tradition [The Young Reporter (TYR)]

【心窗常開】親子樂聚粵劇坊 [Wen Wei Po]

聯校師生演唱會 [Cantonese Opera Magazine Issue 287 (June 2024)]

陳玲玉「都會」講課見真章 [Cantonese Opera Magazine Issue 286 (Apr/May 2024)]

【心窗常開】《六月雪》話粵劇 [Wen Wei Po]

The World of Cantonese Opera [China Daily (HK Edition)]

粤剧艺术在香港展现勃勃生机(艺近人和)[People’s Daily, 25 April 2024, Page 20]

都大何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心開幕 [Ta Kung Pao]

都大何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心開幕 首部翻譯劇本料最快本年內面世 [Master Insight]

都會大學粵劇研藝中心開幕 料年內推出首部翻譯劇本 [Sing Tao Daily]

都大何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心開幕 首部翻譯劇本料最快年內面世 [Hong Kong Commercial Daily]

都大何陳婉珍粵劇研藝中心開幕 首部翻譯劇本料最快本年內面世 [Bauhinia Magazine]

香港都會大學首部粵劇翻譯劇本料最快本年內面世 [HKCNA]