Dr. Tsang received his B.A. and M.Phil degree in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then pursued further study and obtained his PhD from Tsinghua University. Dr. Tsang is currently Programme Leader of the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Chinese(Full Time / JS9011). Dr. Tsang is awardee of HKMU President's Awards for Distinguished Achievement 2023. His research focus is classical Chinese literature, especially in Ci poetry and literary theory.
Teaching Areas & Research Interests
- Classical Chinese Literature, Classical Chinese Literary Criticism, Ci poetry Studies
Academic & Professional Experience
Funded Project:
2020-2022: PI, Study of Ci Annotation in Republican China (1911-1949) / 民國時期(1911-1949)詞籍注釋研究, HKD $ 310,020, Research Grants Council Faculty Development Scheme. (Ref no. UGC/FDS16/H18/19)
2022-2023: PI, Quantitative Research on the Relationship between Tonal Prosody and Lyricism of Liu Yong’s Long Song of Ci Poetry, HKD $127,350 , University R&D funding (ref. no. RD/2022/1.15)
2025- 2026: PI, Study on the Relationship between Tonal Prosody and Lyricism of Ci Poetry: Focusing on Liǔ Yǒng, Zhōu Bāngyàn, Jiāng Kuí, Zhāng Yán / 宋詞聲律與抒情關係研究--以柳永、周邦彥、姜夔、張炎為中心, HKD $ 631,220, Research Grants Council Faculty Development Scheme. (Ref no. UGC/FDS16/H34/24)
HKMU President's Awards for Distinguished Achievement 2023
Selected Publications
- 熊志琴、曾智聰主編《承傳與流播:全球脈絡與中國文化論集》,臺北:秀威資訊,2020年5月。
Book Chapters
- 曾智聰〈楊鐵夫及其《夢窗詞箋釋》考論〉,程中山、陳煒舜主編:《風雅傳承:民初以來舊體文學論集》(第二輯),香港:香港中文大學,2021年9月,頁529-550。
- 曾智聰〈論民國時期(1911-1949)詞學家對詞體特質的探索〉,香港公開大學、《明報月刊》主編《文學批評與人生--第四屆兩岸四地華文文學講座論文集》,2019年11月,頁194-203。
- 曾智聰〈資訊科技與中國古代文論研究試論〉,譚國根、梁慕靈、黃自鴻主編《數碼時代的中國人文學科研究》,臺北:秀威資訊,2018年8月,頁109-120。
- 曾智聰〈龍榆生的東玻詞研究略論〉,程中山、陳煒舜編:《風雅傳承:民初以來舊體文學論集》,香港:香港中文大學,2017年11月,頁859-870。
Journal Articles
- 曾智聰〈民國時期詞集箋注考論〉,《民國文獻研究》2023年第2輯 (北京:國家圖書館出版社),133-149。
- 曾智聰〈宋詞聲律與抒情關係——以柳永慢詞量化分析為例〉,臺灣成功大學人文社會科學院、臺灣數位人文學會《第14屆數位人文與數位典藏國際學術研討會論文集》,2023年12月。
- 曾智聰〈學術大數據(scholarly big data)與詞學研究的開拓-以20世紀前半期詞籍注釋為中心〉,《興大人文學報》70期(2023年3月)(THCI),頁1-27。
- Tsang Chi Chug(2023) Lyrical Tradition of classical Chinese literature and tonal prosody--Focusing on Ci potery, 18th Biennial Conference of Chinese Studies Association of Australia(CSAA) 2023, University of Sydney, 7-9, December, 2023.
- Tsang Chi Chung(2020) Canonization of Ci Poetry of Tang and Five Dynasties and the Annotation of Ci Poetry: Focusing on “Hua Jian Ji” (〈唐五代詞經典化與詞籍評注箋釋 :以《花間集》為中心〉),Conference Proceeding of 4th World Conference of Chinese Studies, p311-324. 19th Intl. Conference on the Pre-modern Chinese Novel & Drama, Academic Press of the USA, European University Press.
- Tsang Chi Chung(2021) A study on the hermeneutics and annotation of Ci poetry in Republican China (1911—1949), (Panel Chair) The 23rd biennial conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), Leipzig University, Germany, 24–28, August, 2021.
- Tsang Chi Chung(2021) Study on Ci Annotation and its' construction of discourse in Republican China(1911—1949), 2021 Conference of the British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS), University of Birmingham, England, September 6—10, 2021.
- 曾智聰〈詞學批評的現代轉型──論民國時期詞話傳統的嬗變〉,《靜宜中文學報》13期(2018年7月)(THCI),頁37-72。
- 曾智聰〈詞學傳統的接受與建構──論唐圭璋的「南唐二主詞」研究〉,《新亞論叢》18期(2017年12月),第201-216頁。
Selected Professional & Community Services
- 作者,《文匯報》「中文視野」、「都會與我」;《信報》「老師陣地」等
- 演講嘉賓,香港中文大學伍宜孫書院「語文文化桌:花間詞中的『嚴妝』與『淡妝』」
- 準決賽評判,香港中文大學「八角辯論賽」
- 評審,香港浸會大學嘉漢林業珠三角環境應用研究中心「 大專生環保辯論盃 --廢物關你事 」 辯論比賽
- 主題演講「演說的節奏」,香港浸會大學語文中心
- 決賽評審,香港浸會大學語文中心「第八屆粵語即席演說比賽」
- 評判,大專辯論賽 2023-24
- 主題演講「我們與文言的距離」、「唐宋詞的日常」、「唐宋詞中的女妝」、「香港故宮文化博物館中的香港」等等
Modified Date: 26 Sep, 2024
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