You will be assigned a tutor for this course. Before the starting date for the course you will be advised by the HKMU Registry of the name, address and phone number of your tutor. Your tutor will:
- conduct the tutorials for your group;
- assess your assignments; and
- be available at certain times to help you by phone. (You will be advised of these times separately.)
Your tutor is your first point of contact with HKMU. Please consult your tutor first about any problem you might have or advice you may need. Your tutor will advise you if you need to contact a senior tutor or the Course Coordinator.
Please note that it is not your tutor's role to give lectures on the course material. Your tutor is a helper (or facilitator) who can provide you with considerable assistance when you run into difficulties and to help you to see how well you understand the course material by encouraging you to express your ideas both verbally and in writing. HKMU urges you to make use of this assistance.
Tutorials and supplementary lectures
Regular tutorials will be held by your tutor. There are 18 tutorials spread throughout the course. In addition, there will be a total of four supplementary lectures to help your study. The time, dates and locations of these sessions will be sent to you separately.
We strongly recommend that you attend these sessions. Their purpose is not only to help with problems but also to give you the opportunity to practise communication skills. However, they are not compulsory and, if your work or domestic situation prevents you from attending, you can still complete the course satisfactorily. Let your tutor know if you are in this situation so that some mutually convenient tutoring by telephone can be arranged.
The tutorials for this course will be conducted in English. All the tutors have excellent English and will provide you with a good opportunity to communicate in English. If you are nervous about speaking in English, do not worry. Many other students feel the same way. Your tutor understands the problem and will help. Take advantage of this opportunity to improve your communication in English.
Please note that the function of these tutorials is to complement your distance learning material and not to replace it in the form of lectures. In this course, your primary means of learning is through your HKMU study materials.
Preparation for tutorials
To benefit fully from a tutorial, you must have completed the reading and various practice activities for the relevant units before you go to the tutorial.
Electronic support
Electronic mail
You may submit any study problems to your assigned tutor through email. This channel provides flexibility to both tutors and students in overcoming the limitations of telephone tutoring in solving more technical issues.
Online Learning Environment
This course is supported by HKMU's Online Learning Environment (OLE). You can find course materials and the latest course information from the OLE and use the discussion board to communicate with your tutor, the Course Coordinator and fellow students. You are encouraged to participate actively in the online conferencing relating to the course content and problems that you encounter in your study.