| Date/ Time/ Venue | Theme/Topic/Speaker(s) | Synopsis | Presentation slides (login required) |
1 | 16 Dec (Mon) 11:00am –12:00nn Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Pedagogical Principles and Practices] SoTL: Opportunities, Impact, and Support Prof. Ricky Kwok Vice President (Research and Institutional Advancement) ALTO | Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) is precisely about the nexus between these two contributions. Specifically, an enthusiastic teacher (read: someone who is willing to go the extra mile to design and implement innovative pedagogies so as to enable more effective learning) should be encouraged and supported to publish his/her insights and experiences in teaching. Indeed, from a SoTL perspective, teaching becomes sort of like a “makerspace,” providing loads of opportunities to generate new knowledge about how to better disseminate knowledge. The impact of such research results should not be underestimated. In this talk, the speaker will share his thinking about SoTL and also advocate wider participation in this genre of research. He will also discuss possible institutional measures to support colleagues in pursuing SoTL. | |
2 | 16 Dec (Mon) 2:30pm – 3:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Pedagogical Principles and Practices] Common research design for SoTL Dr Henry Choi Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | Many educators in higher education are interested in applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) to address challenges in their daily teaching practices. However, as non-specialists in education, they often encounter difficulties in selecting appropriate learning theories and research designs that suit their needs. This seminar aims to introduce common research designs for SoTL, accompanied by authentic examples, to help educators effectively implement SoTL research in their teaching. | |
3 | 16 Dec (Mon) 3:30pm – 4:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Pedagogical Principles and Practices] SoTL and Cognitive Load Theory Mr Ross Vermeer Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | If you're looking for a theoretical foundation that can help you design, implement, evaluate, and research improvements in your teaching practice, cognitive load theory is a good place to start. In this seminar you'll learn the basics of cognitive load theory, and see how it can be applied in your courses. We'll also survey examples of SoTL research projects that adopt this approach. | Download |
4 | 16 Dec (Mon) 4:30pm – 5:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Learning Technologies] Leveraging AI tools to streamline your SoTL research Mr Francis Tsoi Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | A typical SoTL research involves five iterative steps: (1) conducting a literature review, (2) generating a research question, (3) designing the study, (4) collecting and processing data, and (5) presenting and publishing the SoTL project. (adapted from Bishop-Clark & Dietz-Uhler, 2012). In this seminar, we will follow these five steps of the SoTL process and explore how AI tools can potentially accelerate each step of your SoTL project. Demonstrations, examples, applications, and practical tips for these tools will be presented, along with a discussion of their challenges and limitations. | Download |
5 | 17 Dec (Tue) 2:30pm – 3:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Pedagogical Principles and Practices] Frameworks for assessing student motivation in SOTL projects Mrs Caroline Leung Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | Planning a SOTL project? Wondering if your teaching intervention has a real impact on student motivation? This seminar introduces some of the motivation theories and tools you could use to structure your study and measure student motivation. We will look at Self-Determination Theory, Expectancy Value Theory and tools such as MSLQ and LASSI for measuring motivation. Real studies will be used to illustrate how these theories and tools can be used to construct a framework for a research study. | Download |
6 | 17 Dec (Tue) 3:30pm – 4:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [OBE and Assessment] Role of assessment in Learning and Teaching Ms Crystal Cheng Assistant Instructional Designer ALTO | This session examines the role of assessment in higher education and introduces its three types, including Assessment of Learning, which evaluates student performance at the end of units; Assessment as Learning, which promotes student reflection and self-assessment; and Assessment for Learning, which provides formative feedback to improve learning outcomes. Moving beyond, the session also covers formative and summative assessments, as well as norm-referenced and criterion-referenced assessments. Applications of assessment will be provided through some studies and examples from different disciplines. | Download |
7 | 17 Dec (Tue) 4:30pm – 5:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Pedagogical Principles and Practices] Learning Theories Meet Technology: Practical Frameworks and Applications in Technology-enhanced Learning (TEL) Mr Francis Tsoi Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | This seminar will explore a range of practical frameworks and theories commonly used in SoTL research on TEL themes, including the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Communities of Practice (CoP) theory, the Theory of Practice Architectures (TPA), Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), and TPACK. Examples of these frameworks and theories in action will be provided, illustrating how they guide research and practices in the SoTL, particularly in adopting, integrating, and evaluating TEL innovations to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes. | Download |
8 | 18 Dec (Wed) 2:30pm – 3:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Learning Technologies] A guided tour of generative AI in higher ed in Hong Kong and beyond Mr Ross Vermeer Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | The shocking advent of generative AI is now years, not months, in the past. After a period of intense adjustment – in which responses ranged from blind optimism to unfounded dread – where do we stand now? In this seminar, we'll survey the integration of ChapGPT and other generative AI tools in the higher ed sector, focusing on Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region. We'll consider reactions from students and faculty, and address rising issues such as the ethics of AI use, academic integrity, technology gaps and resource allocation, and more. | Download |
9 | 18 Dec (Wed) 3:30pm – 4:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Course Development] Making the most of ChatGPT in DL course development Mrs Caroline Leung Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | Uncritical overreliance on ChatGPT for writing course materials only leads to stilted, repetitious study units. Yet judicious use of ChatGPT's affordances can help us with a number of tasks related to course development. This session will suggest some simple tips and tricks for using ChatGPT in course development and maintenance to increase our efficiency, help us brainstorm new content, align activities with learning outcomes and improve the consistency of our course materials. | Download |
10 | 18 Dec (Wed) 4:30pm – 5:30pm Seminar (A-101, MC) | [Learning Technologies] AI Tools for Teaching and Learning Dr Eva Tsang Director ALTO | This seminar introduces selected tools across 8 categories: research, multimedia creation, assessment, chatbots, speech processing, language learning, tutoring, and office assistance. Participants review the strengths and weaknesses of these tools and integrate chosen ones into teaching to enhance student learning. This overview assists participants in understanding how AI can enhance their research and teaching, streamline administrative tasks, and create dynamic, interactive educational environments. | |
11 | 19 Dec (Thu) 2:30pm – 3:30pm Seminar (E0311, JCC) | *Cancelled*[OBE and Assessment] OBE in higher education: its core features and impact on students learning Dr Henry Choi Senior Instructional Designer ALTO | Outcome-Based Education (OBE) has become increasingly prominent in higher education institutions around the world. This seminar is designed to explore the essential features of OBE and assess its impact on student learning through the examination of empirical studies. By the conclusion of this session, participants will gain a better understanding of OBE and its implications for various disciplines in higher education. | |
12 | 19 Dec (Thu) 3:45pm – 5:15pm Workshop (E0311, JCC) | [OBE and Assessment] Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Handbook Workshop Mr Amr Arafa Assistant Instructional Designer ALTO | This workshop aims to introduce the updated practical OBE handbook developed by ALTO to empower faculty members to apply OBE in their teaching practices, courses, and programs. The workshop will use reflections and activities to demonstrate the applications of philosophy, knowledge, and strategies proposed in the handbook. Participants will have the opportunity to rethink their courses from OBE’s perspective and share insights with their peers on how to develop and improve courses accordingly. - What is OBE?
- Four corners of OBE (Clarity-Transparency-Alignment-Continuous improvement)
- Levels of outcomes
- Considering graduate attributes
- Developing appropriate objectives
- Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Aligned assessments
***Participants are required to bring their laptops.*** | Download |