Programme Structure

Home Admissions Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professionals/Sectors Bachelor of Sports and Recreation Management with Honours (Programme Code: JSSU95) - Introduction Programme Structure
Programme Structure
General Structure
During the four years of study, students will need to complete 160 credits of courses. In the first two years, the courses include integrated business and management courses, English enhancement courses, sports core courses, and Purpose-Designed General Education Courses from fields of study which are different from those of their programmes.
In the era of globalization, business opportunities are inevitably increasing around the world. The School is committed to preparing students for the challenges in the international business environment. In view of this, a Global Immersion Programme will be held to provide students with opportunities to study and travel abroad, be exposed to the language of global business, engage with global issues and eventually become empowered global citizens. This programme is compulsory.
In the third and fourth years, students will focus on courses related to sport and conditioning science, motivating and coaching in sports management, and recreation-related courses. They will also take courses about business issues and ethics, and management policy and strategy, as well as the Work-based Learning Project.
Programme Structure
Year One Courses
Term Course Code Course Title No. of Credits
Autumn BUS B200F* Integrated Business Foundation 30
  A purpose-designed general education course# 5
Spring BUS B200F* Integrated Business Foundation 30
  A purpose-designed general education course# 5
Year Two Courses
Term Course Code Course Title No. of Credits
Autumn MKT B250F Introduction to Marketing 5
SPM B214F* Learning in Sport and Fitness 10
SPM B215F* Communication and Leadership in Sport and Fitness Organizations 10
  A purpose-designed general education course# 5
Spring MKT B363F Consumer Behaviour 5
SPM B214F* Learning in Sport and Fitness 10
SPM B215F* Communication and Leadership in Sport and Fitness Organizations 10
  A purpose-designed general education course# 5
Year Three Courses
Term Course Code Course Title No. of Credits
Autumn COMR B219F* Conditioning Science into Practice 10
SPM B218F* Sport Science into Practice 10
SPM B336F* Introduction to Athletic Development 10
SPM B337F* Special Issues in Athletic Development 10
Spring COMR B219F* Conditioning Science into Practice 10
SPM B218F* Sport Science into Practice 10
SPM B336F* Introduction to Athletic Development 10
SPM B337F* Special Issues in Athletic Development 10
Year Four Courses
Term Course Code Course Title No. of Credits
Autumn BUS B398F* Work-based Learning Project 20
HPM B305F Event Management 5
HPM B306F Cultural Heritage Management 5
Spring BUS B398F* Work-based Learning Project 20
BUS B368F Business Issues and Ethics 5
MGT B399F Management Policy and Strategy 5
It is compulsory for students to complete the Global Immersion Programme.
* Courses carry-over from the Autumn Term
# Purpose-Designed General Education Courses:
Students should take General Education courses from fields of study which are different from those of their programmes.

Maintained by: Admissions & Enrolment Office (Undergraduate)( )
Modified Date: Jul 28, 2021