Course Coordinator: Dr Hamid Khurshid, MBA (Harbin Institute of Technology); PhD (Lingnan U of HK)
This course aims to help students learn the key concepts in strategy and apply these concepts in real-world business situations for effective strategic management.
This course covers the following topics:
- Core issues and analytical framework of strategic management
- The external environment and industry evolution
- The internal environment and strategy implementation
- Resources, capabilities and sustainable competitive advantage
- Strategic positioning and managing customers
- Strategy, tactics, games and business warfare
- Corporate strategy
- International strategy
- Leadership and governance
- The value of strategic management
Contact hours
A total of 48 contact hours across one term, including 11 three-hour lectures and five three-hour tutorial classes. Students are also required to complete six additional self-study hours to prepare for the in-class assessment.
The continuous assessment portion of the course accounts for 40% of the total course score, which consists of written assignments (25%), an in-class assessment (5%), an oral presentation (5%), and class participation (5%). The final examination accounts for the remaining 60% of the total course score. Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).
Set book(s)
Hill, C W L, Jones, G R and Schilling, M A (2020) Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, 13th edn, South Western Publishing, Cengage Learning.