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Course Guide


Course Guide


Course Start Date
Course Level
Length in Terms
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms
Quota and Schedule
Course Start Date
Course LevelLength in TermsCredits
Fees ($) (including lab fees)
Future Terms

Course Coordinator:

Dr Danny Ng, B.IT (QUT, Australia); MBA (Edith Cowan University, Australia); PhD (Edith Cowan University, Australia); MAHRI (Aust)

Excluded Combinations

ACY B809F; MGT B815; MGT B815F; MGT B820; MGT B831C; MGT B831CF; MGT B831CW; MGT B881

Courses Not Allowed to be Taken Again

MGT B820


This course aims to help students in understanding the key concepts in strategy and apply these concepts in real business situations for effective strategic management. The course focuses on exploring how an organisation in a complex and changing environment can assess its operating environment, identify its resources, capabilities and competitive advantages, pinpoint its market position, develop strategic alternatives, evaluate and choose from strategic alternatives, and implement its chosen strategy to achieve its mission and create competitive advantage.


This course covers the following topics:

  • Core issues and analytical framework
  • The external environment and industry evolution
  • The internal profile and competitive advantages
  • The external-internal integration
  • Strategic positioning and business model
  • Corporate strategy (Diversification vs specialisation)
  • International/Global strategy (Re-globalisation)
  • Platform and ecosystem (Digital transformation)
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship (Organisational learning)
  • Strategic execution (Structure and Process)
  • Leadership (Vision and change)
  • Corporate culture (Paradoxical balancing)
  • Corporate governance (Stakeholders)

Learning Support

A total of 54 contact hours across three term, consisting of 11 three-hour lectures and five three-hour tutorial classes. Students will be required to undertake nine hours of extra reading at their own pace.


The continuous assessment portion of the course accounts for 40% of the total course score, while the final examination accounts for the remaining 60% of the total course score.

Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).

Set book(s)

Hill, C W L, Jones, G R and Schilling, M A (2020) Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, 13th edn, South Western Publishing, Cengage Learning.

Course Coordinator: Dr Hamid Khurshid, MBA (Harbin Institute of Technology); PhD (Lingnan U of HK)

This course aims to help students learn the key concepts in strategy and apply these concepts in real-world business situations for effective strategic management.

This course covers the following topics:

  • Core issues and analytical framework of strategic management
  • The external environment and industry evolution
  • The internal environment and strategy implementation
  • Resources, capabilities and sustainable competitive advantage
  • Strategic positioning and managing customers
  • Strategy, tactics, games and business warfare
  • Corporate strategy
  • International strategy
  • Leadership and governance
  • The value of strategic management

Contact hours
A total of 48 contact hours across one term, including 11 three-hour lectures and five three-hour tutorial classes. Students are also required to complete six additional self-study hours to prepare for the in-class assessment.

The continuous assessment portion of the course accounts for 40% of the total course score, which consists of written assignments (25%), an in-class assessment (5%), an oral presentation (5%), and class participation (5%). The final examination accounts for the remaining 60% of the total course score. Students are required to submit assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).

Set book(s)
Hill, C W L, Jones, G R and Schilling, M A (2020) Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, 13th edn, South Western Publishing, Cengage Learning.