Course Coordinator: Dr CHEN Yingwei, LLB, LLM (Sheffield), PhD Cityu of HK; P.R.C. Lawyer
Course Developer: Terry Wong, B.B.A. (CUHK); LL.B. (Manchester); LL.M. (HKU); Solicitor of Hong Kong SAR
Advisory prerequisite(s)
You are advised to have already studied LAW B262 (or LAW B260) and LAW B333.
This course aims to provide learners with a knowledge of the legal framework governing companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It introduces the Securities and Futures Ordinance as the basic legal framework for listed companies. The course also explains the provisions of the Ordinance, the listing rules and other guidelines in relation to qualification and discipline of intermediaries, as well as the listing and corporate governance of listed companies. Examples of market misconduct and their legal consequences will also be discussed.
The course covers the following topics:
- Listed companies in Hong Kong
- Securities and Futures Ordinance
- Listing of securities
- Disclosure of interests and market misconduct
- Take-overs and mergers
Learning support
There will be four three-hour tutorials.
There are two assignments and one examination. Students must use word processing software (such as Microsoft Word) to prepare the assignments, and submit the assignments via the Online Learning Environment (OLE).
Students will need access to a personal computer with an Internet connection.
Set book(s)
A custom textbook and online study materials will be provided.
Reference book
Stott, V. Hong Kong company law (15th ed. or the latest ed.). Pearson.