Vol 15 Issue 2 (May 2006)

Home About HKMU University Publications Openlink Vol 15 Issue 2 (May 2006)


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President's Message
Sponsorship and Donations
Student assistance boosted by $8-million Li Koon Chun Education Fund
Learning for a new life
Words of thanks from scholarship and bursary recipients
Entrepreneurs support OUHK's Campus Phase Two
Recent donations
Programmes and Courses
OUHK -- cradle of nursing professionals

LiPACE updates

Academic Activities and Alliances
It's fun to learn to translate by translating
Video interviews for teaching police recruits
Get to know our Nepalese students
Full-time student gets photography award
Firefighting championship for general studies alumnus
Mainland Links

Promoting full-time programmes in mainland cities

OUHK President opens 'university' for the elderly
A lucky winner with $11,700 extra to spend
Upcoming events to watch out for
You can now buy DVDs of OUHK TV programmes
Letters to the Editor
Can the OUHK add more doctoral programmes?
Student Support and Activities
Integrated seminars broaden students' horizons
Youth forum on global development in Shanghai
Empowering the disadvantaged with knowledge of the market economy
Learning from legislators and district councillors
A day with visually impaired people

Shanghai wetland study tour

Day tour of walled villages in the New Territories
Wireless LAN service