13 Mar 2013 (Issue 44)

Seminar on the Trend of Certification Industry and Roadmap to Become a Professional Certification Auditor |
Jointly organized by the OUHK and the SGS, the seminar has invited professionals to share the latest development in the certification industry and the competitive benefits of certification audit. |
Date: 15 March (Fri) Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm Venue: Tai Ning Hall, 12/F, Block A, OUHK |
Speakers: Prof. Chapman Chan, Adjunct Professor, School of Science and Technology, OUHK Mr Cliff Poon, Certification Manager, Systems and Services Certification, SGS Hong Kong Ltd |
Admission Seminar for Full-time Programmes |
Full-time face-to-face programmes information sessions and advisory services on course selection will be held. Applications for full-time programmes will be accepted and admission interviews for some programmes will be arranged on-the-spot. Holders of HKALE, Associate Degree or Higher Diploma or equivalent qualifications are welcome. |
Date: 15 March (Fri) Time: 2:00 pm Venue: OUHK Ho Man Tin campus Website: www.ouhk.edu.hk/FTP |

Postgraduate Diploma / Postgraduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorders  |
To address the demand for professional services and thus further education about autism spectrum disorders, the School of Arts and Social Sciences and the Heep Hong Society jointly offer postgraduate programmes in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The programmes, commencing in September, aim at providing related professional workers, teachers and parents with more advanced and up-to-date knowledge of the theories, assessment methods and treatment techniques for ASD and related disorders. |
Postgraduate Programmes in Cultural and Heritage Tourism  |
The programmes aim to equip students with a thorough understanding of cultural and heritage tourism from the cultural, heritage, historical, anthropological, sociological and economic angles. The programmes are suitable for individuals from NGOs, the cultural and heritage fields, the educational sector, the tourism industry and the enlightened general public. These are bilingual part-time programmes taught in the face-to-face, lecture-and-tutorial mode. |
Postgraduate Certificate in Quantitative Analysis  |
A qualification in quantitative analysis provides students with a cutting edge in the competitive job market, the programme provides specific training of various quantitative methods for management decision-making, including operational research, time series and forecasting techniques. It is designed for those who have degrees or equivalent professional qualifications in relevant disciplines and are interested to embark on careers in management science, social, economic, investment and scientific data analysis. This is a part-time face-to-face programme. |
Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law (e-Learning programme) |
Real-time online lectures / tutorials
Course materials developed by renowned Beijing scholars and legal experts
Focus on case studies and business application
Recognized by the Law Society of Hong Kong and HKICPA for CPD points
May complete the programme in 12 months

Recent highlights |
New episodes on a wide spectrum of topics including corporate governance, healthcare, and testing and certification will be featured in the new series of 'Open for Learning' educational TV programme to be launched in April. Don't miss it. |
Different Learning Outcomes: Creativity (in Cantonese)
A Review of Hong Kong Financial Market Development and its Regulation (in Cantonese)
Testing and Certification Day (in Cantonese) |
Open Learning Highlight ─ |
Lessons from Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Two Years On |
The devastating 3.11 Japan earthquake had led to subsequent radiation leaks in Fukushima area that scared the rest of the world. Two years have passed, Fukushima survivors still live in the shadow of nuclear disaster. What lessons have we learnt from the Fukushima nuclear accident? Does the HKSAR government have any contingency measures to deal with similar types of crises occurring at the Daya Bay nuclear plant which is just a stone's-throw away from us? The Open Learning Platform presents a video of the summit entitled 'Nuclear Power Panic? The Society's Response of the Disaster and Crisis' and a free course material on Geology and Geomorphology of Hong Kong to help you better understand the pros and cons of using nuclear energy in Hong Kong. |
In this knowledge-based society, everyone has to add value to oneself so as not to get left behind. The OUHK will strive to deliver more free hands-on learning materials for everyone to learn and excel at anytime and anywhere by just one CLICK. Moreover, the University is currently building a new college which will offer full-time programmes for more young students to meet challenges ahead and build a better future. If you support us, please visit the Open Learning Platform and 'make a wish' for our future. |
Student Mr Riley Leung |
With his films Remains and More than Ice-cream – Wong Kwong, full-time Creative Writing and Film Arts student Riley Leung received a number of local and overseas awards. Watch Remains and learn more about his creative journey online. |

Endorsement video clips of the OUHK outstanding alumni |
Several outstanding alumni shared their learning experience at the interviews conducted by the Alumni Affairs Office of the Public Affairs Unit. The video clips of the interviews will be broadcast on TVB Pearl during the 'Open for Learning' TV programmes. Snapshots of the interviews are now available at the Alumni Link webpage. |

(Alumni groups formed by volunteer alumni) |
Alumni Association of the OUHK - Annual General Meeting, Singing Competition and Dinner Gathering |
Date: 24 March (Sun) Time and venue: 2:00 pm Annual General Meeting (Room 101A, Ho Man Tin Learning Centre) 4:30 pm Singing Competition (Room 101A, Ho Man Tin Learning Centre) 7:00 pm Dinner Gathering (80 Fat Kwong Street, Ho Man Tin) |
Dinner fees: Member $220 / Non-member $250 Deadline for dinner registration:17 March |
Haven't yet registered as a member of the OUHK Open Learning platform? Click here to register now and enjoy a wealth of free educational resources!
Enquiries: 2768 6361 www.ouhk.edu.hk/ebulletin |