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Generous Donations Driving the University Forward

Dear Colleagues,

Kung Hei Fat Choy!

Our University achieved another milestone on 6 January.

We received HK$300 million from the Wu Jieh Yee Charitable Foundation (WJYCF) in support of our efforts to establish the HKMU Hub for Community Health and Wellness (HCHW), a new addition to our Homantin campus, which is expected to commence operations in 2028.

The sizable gift from the Foundation is the largest donation in the history of the University and the largest single donation made by the WJYCF to date.

I am extremely grateful to Dr. Philip Wu and members of the Wu family for not only their latest gift, but also their valuable advice and continual support, as well as several other generous donations to the University during the past three decades.

I hope that this donation will act as a catalyst for more philanthropic contributions from other persons and organisations in support of the strategic goals of HKMU: (1) to provide our students with quality education; (2) to help them find good jobs and develop meaningful careers; and (3) to nurture them to be upstanding members of the community.

Reminded of the phrase “to whom much is given, much is expected”, I made a commitment at the Donor Appreciation Ceremony that HKMU will use the funds carefully and wisely to achieve its strategic goals. Indeed, HKMU aims to make a positive impact on the lives of as many people as possible in our community.

By way of example, we plan to provide in the HCHW community-based medical and other services for local residents and to construct a network of footbridges across Fat Kwong Street and Sheung Shing Street to allow the safe movement of people, especially senior citizens, working and living in our vicinity.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and productive Year of the Snake!

Paul LAM Kwan-sing